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Inherent trader problem (trade good values) - Printable Version

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Inherent trader problem (trade good values) - benben10 - 2009-06-25

I dont think anyone has noticed this, but the trader's ability to generate gold does not increase in the same way that combat tanks do. combat tanks gold production for the most part doubles over a specific amount of time (lets say 15-20 minutes), because as tanks get bigger their bounties go up and, assuming even teams, the kill rate stays the same (mathematicians should easily recognize this as an exponential function).

trader, on the other hand, increases gold production very quickly at the start as he increases his wood supply and therefore can uses multiple trade posts at the same time and then gains access to more valuable trade goods because his abilities upgrade and/or has bought speed and/or teleport items. BUT once the trader is acquiring trade goods at max speed he can no longer increase his gold production trade posts only generate trade goods at the same rate the entire game.


I propose that trade goods change in value over time at a rate that is exponential.

This is all good unless Bob and Exodus intended that traders should be forced into a combat tank at a certain point in the game.

Re: Inherent trader problem (trade good values) - Gammagulp - 2009-06-25

I experienced it too, that at a certain point (maybe you earned 100-120Wood) YOu dont get more money ofter time if you maxed your speed as much as possible and your multitrade (-10seconds till good refreshed) skill is also used.

But usally I didnt care up to now, because if you reached that point without being interrupted effectively your team could win easily if there are not much leavers. Also the trader generate money from "nothing" while the gold amount of creeps, towers and factories is limited every 5 minutes.

Maybe there could be a "big Trader" Tank which got a skill which improves the trader money later --> for example the ultimate skill ^^

Re: Inherent trader problem (trade good values) - Dr.McNinja - 2009-06-26

I think the problem is trader is just too boring. When your suggestion starts to really take affect, it would be fairly late in the game. Playing trader that long is rather dull in late game.

But good suggestion, goods value (and other things) are too static and linear.

Re: Inherent trader problem (trade good values) - GooglyBoogly - 2009-06-26

I think it is a bad idea. It would make it even harder to balance out the trade item recipies, and would encourage extra players to switch into trader late -game - making games take even longer.

You would have to be playing for over a rather long time (~90mins) before a normal tank could earn 'more' than an unhindered maxed out trader. And even then, like Gammagulp said:

Quote:Also the trader generate money from "nothing" while the gold amount of creeps, towers and factories is limited every 5 minutes.

this is very important.