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Troop Pack Combination? - Printable Version

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Troop Pack Combination? - Gammagulp - 2008-08-08

Next suggestion :mrgreen: :

A mate asked wether it would be good or not, so I just ask it here.

There is a Siege Pack and there is a Troop Command.
Every item holds a single Slot in your inventory. (if you use smoke, teleporter/speed and radar + maybe orbital control you have no weapons maybe ^^)

It is just a question, but what do you think of a combined pack for troop command and siegepack in one item?
You could spawn mortars and troops with one click. The negative aspekt is you may not need mortars or troops sometimes, but could spawn them together.

Maybe really strong in hot situations, but you payed a lot of money for a non hull, non speed, non weapon item - which has cooldown.

Re: Troop Pack Combination? - JpOO - 2008-08-08

I think the craft should cost 0 gold so. Couse if you have that 2 items you already spend a lot, and if you put them together you wont got rly good item - you'll just make 1 slot free.

Re: Troop Pack Combination? - kittyonmyfoot - 2008-08-09

- armor on buildings & + damage on all creeps isnt good?

Re: Troop Pack Combination? - Gammagulp - 2008-08-09

So what is siege pack ansd troopcommand now ? oO
If you now have troopcommand and your teammate next to you uses siege pack its the same -armor +troop damage, but you have no weapons or hull therefore and spend 2500 money for it. But well, its just a suggestion.

Re: Troop Pack Combination? - JpOO - 2008-08-09

Wheres + damage on all creeps? Its the same with non-craften troop command + seige. Its just 1 CLICK instead 2. But you cant use seige on building and have a uncooldowned troops to protect you. Its more "-" than "+". Only "+" is a free inventory slot.