Official Battle Tanks Community
Bombs/Suicide Runs - Suggestion - Printable Version

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Bombs/Suicide Runs - Suggestion - Tempest - 2007-09-15

Couldn't find any real topic on this but at least in my opinion it's more than annoying having sometimes even 2 or 3 enemies just using suicide runs to kill enemy tanks doing amounts of damage you simply can't counter (maybe using the biggest airship with speed and gold hull and some luck).

Killing suiciders should either award more gold than they'd do by default (~250 gold for victim vs. 500 - 1000+ gold for suicider) or the amount of damage done should be limited. It's not that funny seeing someone doing 15 - 20k area damage each time getting killed. How about limiting the damage done to the suiciding tank's own health multiplied by 1 or 1.5? That would nerf people just bombing from beginning to the end but would keep those explosives usable for people using them as some kind of vengeance.

Re: Bombs/Suicide Runs - Suggestion - Kenny - 2007-09-15

Well they pass you gold in the process, but it's just silly that often you'll be worth 3X they are. While on this subject, I think when killing heroes, the bounty should be capped at 150% of your own tank's value. I find it stupid that when you've been outplaying the opposition the entire game, you give all of what you earned back in one or two deaths because the opposition is turtling and focus-firing you. Oop, Goblin Tank that deals 3,500 damage and stun to me is only worth 300g despite being one of the many genuine threats (albeit in a team perspective), and he gets 4,000g for killing me. That's balanced :|