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8.23 is absolutly imbalanced - Printable Version

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8.23 is absolutly imbalanced - Giftfinger - 2007-08-06

the amount of gold that is given extremly bad configured.

well okay the loosers and noobs may get a little bit more gold for killing a pro but what is now is just shit. if the other team got 1100-1850 for killing one of us and we got between 250-1000.

the kill rate of each team was when the bug started by arround 50 kills by dark force (4of originaly 5 players) and 100 by us (3 of originally 5players). that was wenn first the killing reward of 1000 was given. when we gave up it stands by more than 150 kills for dark force and 200kills by us. (we had still more kills than them!!!!!!!)

so why did we gave up? i was the the tankkiller i had 75kills alone each of my teammades had arround 60.
the other team were all under 50 kills. -.-
but because they get between 1100-1850 gold for each kill they are able to get better wapons than us. 2 of them had frostlaser and non of us who had more kills could afford that. plz rebalance this that can't be, thats just pull shit.

sry for my mistakes but i think thats a real problem in this game.

- Game Hunter - 2007-08-07

For starters, the new bounty formula came into play during 8.22:
8.22 Update Wrote:(100+(TankCosts/50))*(Kills+50)/(Deaths+50)
In other words, if you're a guy with a 30k tank, and a 70/20 ratio (that's good for a player, but considering his position we can assume that), your bounty is [100 + (30000/50)]*(70+50)/(20+50) = (100 + 600)*(120)/(70) = 700*(12/7) = 1200. I'd say that's pretty fair; essentially, if you did really well in the early-game, you're going to have to keep it up later on, or they'll attempt to trade kills for huge payout.

Hell, I'd had good enough ratios to be worth over 5000 gold in some games, when the other guy was closer to 2000. I guess it's just my opinion, but I think doing better should make you more profitable when you happen to die. (I mean, you should probably have more gold since you ARE doing better.)

- Bob666 - 2007-08-07

perhaps we can reduce the start bounty a bit, but do not remove the kills/deaths bounty increasement

- Exodus - 2007-08-07

In case you want to know why this change was made: its to make BT more flexible.

Most players said that most games are normally decided after the first 10-15 minutes. The one who doing better in that time range wins. With that changes your chances for a comeback in the game increases.
Like it was said before, when your bounty is higher, you should also be stronger than the other players but some players tend to be more careless because of that, stay longer in a battle, fight without your team etc. So of course you have to be careful not to feed the enemy with your high bounty. If they are able to destroy you several times although you have the better equipment you dont deserve the victory in my opinion.

- Giftfinger - 2007-08-07

the problem is that is that despite killing them more often their bounty got larger and larger and i don't find it fun if in a game of 1:40h the other team gets at least 800gold more for nothing. i mean a difference of 200 till okay lets say 500 or maximal 600 gold more than the better players okay. but if we killed someone and we did not even get the 1000 while he got 1700 or more its boring. The problem was they got better wapons than we. and we still were 20kills or 10kills bevor them we were playing rather good so we could even kill them 1 of them for killing 1 of us but they made more and more kills and we made less. but still they got more money.

you see if 3players play against 4 its normaly that the 4 die more often, but if the 4 players get the douple of our bounty its imbalanced.

and well congratulations when you were 5000gold worth and your ally only 2000.

but our game was really interessting and we destroyed every factory by the dark force (they had only 2 factories the players bought themself) we had still our base and could do nothing. The difference between the killingbounties is much too big.

Well a game is decided in the first 10minutes yes may be true but thats only if noobs play. If i see my oponent on my side is better i play more deffensive i stay back i stay at the factory and kill him while he attacks that normaly works. when noobs drive into death 20times in 10minutes and then say the game was decied in the first 10 min than yeah true.
But now you made a btanks for noobs if they can't play they are feeded with gold, more they can spend.

you recognize they were able to afford equal wapons and hold the statist of 50kills difference between us. But next to this they were able to save their many for the frostlaser so something in this game cant be correct configured.

- Bob666 - 2007-08-07

where did the enemies get their money from? from killing you, so you died? and the first you died after you worthed more bounty, you were stronger... and if you die then... its your problem...

but nontheless it would be ok to reduce the overall bounty to about 80% of the current

- Giftfinger - 2007-08-07

well every reduction of the differences between the bounties would be great.

- Game Hunter - 2007-08-07

I could agree on a bounty that's influenced less on the ratio, but still have it intact. Maybe increase the 50 in the kill/death parts to 100? With the 50s, assuming you are doing well in a game (such as 70/20) then you're giving the enemy a about 171% the norm. In the reverse (or 20/70), the enemy would be giving about 58%. If we changed it to the 100, it would be more like 142% and 70%: still significant but not as game-breaking when the enemy gets some "lucky" kills.

Having the bounty affected by ratio is important so that players who fed on less experienced opponents can still be overcome by better players on the opposing side. For the most part, however, if you gain a lot of gold, you should be able to avoid death easier and get more kills: there's still more of an incentive now. Exploder-types can actually play the game now that the ratio's been added, so they probably die a ton early on (harder to get kills), but get to the point where it's easy to blow up stuff and be less worth it to the enemy.

- TKF - 2007-08-08

sry but I've been away yesterday

Bob666 Wrote:...but nonetheless it would be ok to reduce the overall bounty to about 80% of the current
The initial bounty of 100 gold? (correct me if I misunderstood)

I like the initial bounty of 100 gold, and the bounty formula added in 8.22 is much better than the old proposed one, really! In 8.21 you could give 6000 gold in bounty cuz of high kills - few deaths. After all there is a scoretable which shows how much each player has killed. I don't mind if the formula is slightly changed/reduced, but I don't like the idea of reducing the core value of 100 gold.

- Bob666 - 2007-08-08

b = 100+tankcosts*0.02 ( afaik )

and the change would be:

b = 100+tankcosts*0.016 ( afaik )


b = 80+tankcosts*0.016 ( afaik )

- TKF - 2007-08-08

b = 100+tankcosts*0.02


b = 100+tankcosts*0.016

- Exodus - 2007-08-08

I just translated the post ...