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Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - Printable Version

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Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - TKF - 2010-09-28

I've noticed that some players is using this for pretty fast base destruction for the following purposes:

  1. It spawns 3 mortar teams
  2. It also spaws creeps so killing the mortar team
  3. It has only 35 seconds cooldown, creates mortar teams faster than siege pack

Compated to siege pack which has 50 seconds cooldown on creating mortar teams, the Advanced troop command creates mortar teams with only 35 seconds cooldown. It's so cheap and effective, much better than siege pack.

To balance this item, I have 2 suggestions.

  1. Make it spawn only 2 mortar teams instead of 3
  2. Give it 50 seconds cooldown and allow it to spawn more normal troops as compensation of increased CD

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - 091846 - 2010-09-28

dont complain it is as good as it is , i find it ok , it is not ok for noob that use long range
the bonus stat is a reward for combine them
at least i can own ppl with that item only ppl who use long range complain it is ....imba or op because they cant get a free kill because i use it to block

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - ICE2607 - 2010-10-01

he is right,
to combine both, siege and troop, u have to pay 1000 gold, so why dont get some advantage for the gold ?!
i dont think its imba or something, in fact, if andvance troops would have more spawn time then normal troop i wouldnt upgrade it to advanced troop.

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - TKF - 2010-10-01

ICE2607 Wrote:he is right,
to combine both, siege and troop, u have to pay 1000 gold, so why dont get some advantage for the gold ?!
i dont think its imba or something, in fact, if andvance troops would have more spawn time then normal troop i wouldnt upgrade it to advanced troop.
Oh you're rigght it has 10 sec more cooldown on spawning normal troops, then the costs makes more sense.

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - UnifiedDoom - 2010-10-05

You know you can carry one of these AND a seige pack for 6 mortar teams, AND then you could have a heavy tank for 9 mortar teams, 8.72 seems to have taken a turn for base seiging anyway, I don't think there will be a nerf.

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - 091846 - 2010-10-05

UnifiedDoom Wrote:You know you can carry one of these AND a seige pack for 6 mortar teams, AND then you could have a heavy tank for 9 mortar teams, 8.72 seems to have taken a turn for base seiging anyway, I don't think there will be a nerf.

you cant use it with a seige pack once you use it it will have the same cooldown the most you have is 6
one more thing is mortar team is easily being killed by melee weapons good luck to ppl who use long range weapons

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - Prog - 2010-10-05

091846 Wrote:
UnifiedDoom Wrote:You know you can carry one of these AND a seige pack for 6 mortar teams, AND then you could have a heavy tank for 9 mortar teams, 8.72 seems to have taken a turn for base seiging anyway, I don't think there will be a nerf.

you cant use it with a seige pack once you use it it will have the same cooldown the most you have is 6
one more thing is mortar team is easily being killed by melee weapons good luck to ppl who use long range weapons

That is just wrong.

Advanced troop command shares a cooldown with troop command, but not with siege pack.

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - TKF - 2010-10-05

Prog Wrote:Advanced troop command shares a cooldown with troop command, but not with siege pack.
That's a bit weird imo. You have 10 second longer cooldown on making troops compared to troop command.

Re: Advanced Troop Command - Mortar Team POWAH! - Exodus - 2010-10-05

TKF Wrote:
Prog Wrote:Advanced troop command shares a cooldown with troop command, but not with siege pack.
That's a bit weird imo. You have 10 second longer cooldown on making troops compared to troop command.
Originally I wanted the Troop Command and Mortar have single cooldowns, but both shared cooldown with the ATC. But it did turn out, that this is not possible with the editor. So I decided, that the TC and ATC share a cooldown together, since they would be really strong together. The cooldown of the ATC is just a compromise between the Troop Command and Siege Pack. Additionally, since the ATC spawns that much units, it's better to not have such a short cooldown.