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Not a bt suggestion but player - Printable Version

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Not a bt suggestion but player - BENNIE.FM - 2012-10-16

Hey guys i just like to say if you value the bt community try play as a team,players do make mistakes,all players are of not of equal skill level remember this.

Remember in a lane battle some times someone is going to loose and feed it happens doesn't mean you flame and blame them.

If some of you took time to realize a players elo may reflect there skill level so when a 1400 elo player feeds its probably because teams are balanced in such away that you have high elo players and they are there to compensate for lower skilled players,doesn't mean you kick them.

And this to the players with big mouths there is a reason you guys are always getting ban request on you,there is a reason people dislike to play with you not going to name players but its obvious.

Last of all this is a small community new players should be welcomed and the players we have should be valued so just a heads up to those jerks playing tanks sick of playing games with players arguing.

RE: Not a bt suggestion but player - eSVau - 2012-10-16

I've never started to play DotA, because the community sucked hard (flaming, etc.) which wasn't the case in the early days of BT. Sadly this has changedSad

RE: Not a bt suggestion but player - BENNIE.FM - 2012-10-16

its not possible to have a system in place that lower elo players can't be kicked for feeding? i mean a 1400 elo is expected to die more..

RE: Not a bt suggestion but player - FlashVanMaster - 2012-10-18

I know how we can get many new (and maybe very good) playersSmile

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