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Making weapons more unique - Printable Version

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Making weapons more unique - Flygplan - 2014-03-28

Right now the differense between most weapons is made up with 4 parameters: range, damage, rate of fire and cost.

This system means that the weapons are quite limted and makes some weapons very domiant while others are seldom used at all.

Now I don't really know what limitations the developers faces.

For example basic magic could be unchanged, molotov could be changed to a damage over time weapon, tornado could have a chance on hit to lift tank on hit, ice could slow.
These could also be spells the weapon come with like orbital is right now.

If possible this could open up alot of possible builds, strategies using different weapons to dominante opponentsSmile

RE: Making weapons more unique - stibi- - 2014-03-28

or different upgrades - like slow for ice or + dmg

RE: Making weapons more unique - BENNIE.FM - 2014-03-29

As long as the weapons are balanced i don't mind but i slow shooting weapon with airship would be nice xDTongue. Obviously items with effects will have to be weaker and cost more (I can't imagine have a poison or frost item early)Or cheap just feel everyone will want one (Im kinda against the idea cause i think it will be hard to balance.

RE: Making weapons more unique - Exodus - 2014-03-29

It would be possible, but there are two concerns: performance and balance. There are some unique weapons, like the ones the Architect uses. But since it's limited to one tank it's easier to handle, so I tend to stick with that way.

There are more parameters by the way:
allowed targets, upgrades / weapon modes, upgrade costs, projectile count, projectile speed

I know that this may not be the kind of variety you want, but I just wanted to mention it ;)

RE: Making weapons more unique - BENNIE.FM - 2014-03-29

Introducing a cheap weapon (I.e with a slow effect)Damage will reduced greatly for balance but can you imagine it will become an awesome weapon to have i would just have one the whole game , everyone will have one the effect of such a effects means some tanks loose there uniqueness if i went airship i would now have a way to catch my enemies and it could reduce the effects of other slows like frost robots slow.

I think the idea might be ok (Im against it because i like battle tanks the way it is , i can see it will take to alot of effort for balancing i rather the current map be focused on.

I think the issue is if your getting items they are similar to those of certain tanks it can ruin make that tank not as useful.

My view is no (But i think someone can think of a good suggestion it could be possible)