2012-04-30, 17:41:56
first of all i want to say that i am an absolutely casual player of btanks and my stats in league are more than bad - most of the time i cant play league cause of my penalty being over 100...
I dont ragequit and i always try to help others instead of having the best stats...and exactly there is the point: i am a (so would u say) bad player with bad stats but i know how to behave and i absolutely dont like those (sry for that) MEGANOOBS playing longrange in every game and wondering why they never can play league...very funny also being flamed by those "kids"...
I.e. heres one the biggest flamers in qualify-games "qert" ==> see the screenshot for details. I never have done anything to him, but he generaly flames everyone as a noob, or gay, or homo...really nice and the funniest thing - yesterday i played about 3 games with him being in the enemy team, and now lets think of what happened:
Oh yes he lost, cause of longrange until the end, with no tp, no breaker, no beacons, NOTHING...
sorry, but if u really would do anything against those idiots ruining games if they dont have luck in early game, with playing singleplayer the whole game long, the really good game btanks will do what all games did in the past which didnt have decent and honorable players and a "fine" community with attracting new gamers: It will go down...
Maybe i should go and change my acc, flame around in 25 qualify-games and enter league with a pretty new acc like so many others do...pff thx to the one who read until here -.-
Ah and for those who want to laugh about a noob as so many others do - here's the link to my acc: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=960. I just like to add, that those 50 leaves are from being kicked and maybe 10 to 15 real disconnects from Battlenet...
first of all i want to say that i am an absolutely casual player of btanks and my stats in league are more than bad - most of the time i cant play league cause of my penalty being over 100...
I dont ragequit and i always try to help others instead of having the best stats...and exactly there is the point: i am a (so would u say) bad player with bad stats but i know how to behave and i absolutely dont like those (sry for that) MEGANOOBS playing longrange in every game and wondering why they never can play league...very funny also being flamed by those "kids"...
I.e. heres one the biggest flamers in qualify-games "qert" ==> see the screenshot for details. I never have done anything to him, but he generaly flames everyone as a noob, or gay, or homo...really nice and the funniest thing - yesterday i played about 3 games with him being in the enemy team, and now lets think of what happened:
Oh yes he lost, cause of longrange until the end, with no tp, no breaker, no beacons, NOTHING...
sorry, but if u really would do anything against those idiots ruining games if they dont have luck in early game, with playing singleplayer the whole game long, the really good game btanks will do what all games did in the past which didnt have decent and honorable players and a "fine" community with attracting new gamers: It will go down...
Maybe i should go and change my acc, flame around in 25 qualify-games and enter league with a pretty new acc like so many others do...pff thx to the one who read until here -.-
Ah and for those who want to laugh about a noob as so many others do - here's the link to my acc: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=960. I just like to add, that those 50 leaves are from being kicked and maybe 10 to 15 real disconnects from Battlenet...