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Thoughts about the Community and the Game

after a long period of being not abke to play BTanks, i reinstalled some days ago.

The game itself working fine, I rly cant believe how many big mouthed and tactical incontinent players are in the qualify-matches...

As I also can see, there are not rly a lot of ranked matches going this due to a big lack of players?

In the qualify-matches I hardly cant play without getting a flamer by myself...big mouthed kiddies with absolutely lowest skill, are fukcing up those games. As if they feed or playing with copter and 2k hp after 30 mins with only longrange and dying 2 times a minute. But when it should come to kick, no one votes, cause those analphabetic newbies, surely dont even read the chat or tooltips at all...

And surely they leave anytime when have been bashed or they have no idea how to counter some tanks, even when u told them what to do about 10 times before...they simply flame and tell me i am a nazi or whatever...cant u just implement a wordfilter and kick idiots who dont know what happened in WW2? Barely sad about the community which plays with idiots like them and dont ´just tell them to stop...nonono, they tell me then to stfu cause they have their fun bashing words...

This is rly more than frustrating. And the biggest effort is the starting of the game. With being afk for 5 minutes and then not being able to simply hold a lane, its GG before the game rly began.

Cant u plz set down the timelimit for being afk at start down to 1 minute? Is it so hard to stay at the pc when searching for a game? Soz for the bad language, but those "idiots" ruin one game by another...

And also in advantage a big sorry to those "skilled" players who have fun bashing noobteams and starting to trashtalk to the loosers then...with having a lowbob-game, i cant rly understand where the fun lies...

Maybe u all should think about what will happen to the game, if this keeps going my place, I simply deinstall again and let the BTanks "a rly good game" going down to hell...

Watch the attached replay and see what i mean...this "pilot_rahan" has been flaming the whole day long...generally he fed like a noob and flamed...and then he had some luck in a better team and got fed e.g. by this "russia1" and then he flamed...omg ban him or do whatever...just give us the possibility to mute those retards plz...

And u also can see how easy it would be to autokick such megafeeders like this "russia1"...he fed like 15 20 mins...enough reasons to autokick him?
Nice to see your comments. Unfortunately there is quite few players playing btanks and players are acting quite much like in dota when I played it a few times in the past for a few year ago and players were very aggressive towards me (I have not played dota for a long time though). I play because I like the map very well, also because of the CP capture feature which isn't in any other AoS/Dota based maps. I have a feeling that behavior is more frequent in btanks now than before.

I also felt that player base is more rude than a few year back.

Unfortunately ban isn't used in qualify afaik. I don't have high expectations towards what other players are raging about when I play myself in qualify.

If you want to play ranked, its highest chance is usually at late evenings (GMT +01:00) europe time from what I've seen. Though some evenings not a game is started, and some other evenings a few games is being played.
haven't heard much of Velocity2k these days, but we might have to change the bot behaviour any time now. we might or might not remove the league as well due to the lack of players unless we're going to introduce some none official servers.

as for players, well, yeah, it's not the fault of the system/game, just as the kickvote is more of a player abusing issue as well. you'd be advised to search for a good party/team/match beforehand. there are still some teamspeak servers offering rooms for btanks around, you might be able to catch a few players and possibly set up some matches on regular bases more easily that way.

as for flaming, offers commands to ignore/squelsh players though i'm not sure if it's working for public messages as well.
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For me it's pretty clear: community here won't grow anymore with the "you have to wait/you can apply" mentality. Maybe go for a final release with the map and reduce league to 1 bot (either with stats recorded for everyone or noone) for the last acitve players. Or if you can loose, move to other communities where there are people who (still) care like ENT.

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