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Battle Tanks 8.55
Hey guys,
here is the new version again. I edited the base design, hoping this will reduce the game time a little bit. Please post your feedback about this change and its effect on the gameplay (but not in this thread, as I will most likely overlook it) .

There's also still the AI bug which causes fatal errors. So if you want to make sure not to get those, don't play with AI and don't use -lai. I'm still trying to find and fix that bug, but this one is pretty tough.
Please also report if submitting league codes is now working properly or not.

And another thing, I will be pretty busy in the next few weeks, so I can't work on BT in that time, so the next version will most likely take it's time.

But enough of that, here's the new version and the changelog, have fun with it!

v 8.55
  • New base design
  • You now have to destroy the Artillery Factory to win the game
  • Added a Bomb ability to the Troop Command Center
  • Increased the range of the shops
  • Detectors and Teleport Breakers are no longer invulnerable, instead they are magic immune
  • Detecors now have 3 charges
  • Reconstruction now revives the Exploder with 20% of his max Mana
  • The floating bounty text now shows the bonus you got through Bounty Hunter
  • Improved the AI Guard unroot behaviour a little bit
  • Renamed Weak Creeps into Weak Forces to prevent confusion about its real effect
  • Fixed a rare bug, when Engeneering Upgrade (Tinker) caused desynchs
  • Fixed runes created by Rune Carving (Scout) from healing enemies
  • Fixed Orbital Command, so that it deals 6 strikes, like stated in the tooltip, instead of only 5
  • Fixed the speed bonus of Thunder Hammer from sometimes not disappearing
  • Fixed a bug which counted dying Goblin Riots as creep kills for the red player
  • Fixed the giveup command
  • Fixed an old bug, which wouldn't let you get XP for killed tanks
  • Fixed some minor bugs
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Das neue Base Design finde ich nicht schlecht, jetzt braucht man nichtmehr so ewig ... allerdings fänd ich das nicht schlecht, wenn die noch ein Stück weiter hinten in der Ecke wäre... vielleicht könnte man den hintersten der 3 neuen Türme auf die andere seite setzenSmile

Gruss Wickid
The new design is very good.
Towers are now protecting the base better than ever!
Very well done. It makes it easier for weak teams to defend.
There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde

Clan B4E (Banlist 4 Europe) on Northrend! The official clan for Europe!
Morkardar Wrote:The new design is very good.
Towers are now protecting the base better than ever!
Very well done. It makes it easier for weak teams to defend.
hmm i think this shouldnt be. the base design was created to destroy the base faster
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
I had a 2 hour game in 8.55.

I like many of the changes in 8.55, 10+ good changes Big Grin , except that teleport breaker can only be used once on exploders and exploder players quickly learn this weakness. Maybe make the breaker invulnerable from explosion?

New Base design:
The third tower is a challenge to destroy when well protected, cuz it's behind the artillery factory and the defenders stays in front of it... The good thing is that it's easier for teleporting players to make sudden attacks on the tower cuz it's closer to the edge of the base. Maybe this shorten the game a little.

It's kinda impossible to use the bomb effectively with it's 3000 range against pro team. Quite fun though when you're able to use itSmile
TKF Wrote:Changes:
I like many of the changes in 8.55, 10+ good changes Big Grin , except that teleport breaker can only be used once on exploders and exploder players quickly learn this weakness. Maybe make the breaker invulnerable from explosion?

Yeah, thats definately not how it should be, this will be changed.
As for the TCC Bomb, if you could use it against a good team and it would work everytime, it would obviously be too strong. I think it's quite well balanced right now, since you can also try to protect the bomb, with additional creeps and such.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
As long as the breaker comes invunerable i would say this is to the best version to date now and very balanced time to add 100k weapon Big Grin
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Or 15k mines
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.
I like the new base design, it does help end stalemates. I find the hunter tank a little overpowered when it comes to taking over CP's using the poison cloud. I'm still getting occationall crashes. The last crashed game had two ghost tanks, an exploader/tinker, demon tank, chopper, scout, demolisher. No special options besides 5k start gold.

What I'm really writing about is for the addition of a host option to make the max weapon range be 1000. I am finding more an more that 1300 range weapons are ruining games. Having played more than 500 games of btanks, I have yet to find a good strategy to take out a clump of tanks using bombarding rockets or "the green cannon". (besides an exploader or having your own cluster of long range tanks) One on one, there are lots of things you can do to win, but there is no defense against a clump of 3 or 4 tanks, all using 1300 range weapons. I'm tired of being forced to take long range weapons or become an exploader (both stratigies I consider cheap) just to combat entire teams abusing these weapons. At least make an option to limit this type of build to one or two players tops.
Btanks fan since version 4US
I don't know why it happened by I can fix it!
500 games and no Alternative? o_O

Just play defensive or buy hull and try to kill.
When u want to play BT come Channel Clan BuG or Clan BuG2Smile We are waiting for good games !

Moreover visit us on http://www.clanbug.kilu.deSmile

[Image: paint1bw2.jpg]
Use troops and later extreme low range

To the new base design. I read before the endgame should get easier, but due to the compact design and the 3rd tower behind the weapon factory it gets even more deifficult to end the game, because a bunker at the Position behind the invulnerable/ healing weapon factory cant be destroyed so easy, when the enemy tanks stand infront or next to the new "HQ" 8)
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
yea, new base design as about as much defensive as the base design we had before.

i suggest to replace the 2 laser towers placed at the artillery factory's sides with cannon towers (and/or dont let a ruin "spawn" when the laser tower behind the factory is destroyed to prevent constant rebuilding of a defensive barricade).
its really hard to destroy the artilleryfac when players build barracs and new factories around it =/
maybe it is possible to make only one ruin able to build a barracide?
Gammagulp Wrote:Use troops and later extreme low range

To the new base design. I read before the endgame should get easier, but due to the compact design and the 3rd tower behind the weapon factory it gets even more deifficult to end the game, because a bunker at the Position behind the invulnerable/ healing weapon factory cant be destroyed so easy, when the enemy tanks stand infront or next to the new "HQ" 8)

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

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