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Deflective armor

I don't know if this thread need to be here or in "suggestions" but I think something is wrong with defletive armor. It makes laser useless, no one will play with it anymore (or just Tained maybe Tongue) because with 3k deflective armor laser loose more than 50% damage (800/sec ==> 300/sec o.O). In my opinion this is too much. Or maybe laser could get 160*0.2 sec damage instead of 80*0.1, then deflective will downgrade "only" 31% damage of it, which is still a lot but don't make it unplayable (800/sec ==> 550/sec).

I think this could be a good change for this weapon, or maybe change deflective I don't know.

Waiting for feedbacks,
Yeah, since deflective armor noone play laser anymore Undecided
before i always played it as shortrange weapon and in lategame i upped it if needed Big Grin

but max is right, maybe we should change the cooldown up to 0.2 sec Rolleyes

I came up with this exact discussion when deflective was introduced, but noone seemed to be interested...
it's "lose"
for me i only end up playing with newbie no one use armor they only get hulls .......
Not a new experience for me that Deflective Armor makes some weapons useless.
There were some suggestions already how to make it more balanced. and the following posts for everyone who is interested.
the good thing is you cant use both armor = the maper is so smart haha i agree it is making some weapon useless or pointless
laser = good at killing creep for me , get other weapon lol , no choice
i know deflective armor is useless again long range weapon, when ppl like have 2 to 4 energy ....... 1 or 2 instant kill for creeps , i get the armor or not = instant death unless i get hull or a better tank
close weapon is like before i even touch that guy = i die , alway force to use creeps as shields

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