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kicking for penalty
in regualar league games, kicking a teammate early in the game is deadly for the team.
the point, that makes me angry is, that i played with a player who kicked me, even though knowing this fact, with the reason, that i shall get a league penalty, just because he didnt like me.
else, he would have had to kick red as well (i just had one more death than him).

does anyone else experienced something like that?

he told, he want kick me for penalty at about 9min (in german)

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Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
even though eNAyZee isn't new to us, the kick had been valid.
and i for myself don't think your reasoning, about how he doesn't like you and wanted to give you a penalty, is right at this point. you fed pretty much in the beginning, going after a demolisher ( skilled in mines ) and dying pretty often even with a thunder tank later on. i would simply call it a bad game, but nothing out of ordinary, hence i don't see any reason to discuss it in here.
for others, here the game link:
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9-16 wasn't that bad. (comparing to many players that i played with.) I wouldn't do the kick if it was me.

But on the other hand, however, the new -kick system is more stricter than it used to be. So normally it is not that easy to kick a player. If someone really wants to kick you, and agreed by your other teammates, I think then you have to accept the kick. No matter what was the reason by the kick initiator.

You may blame the -kick system is still not good enough, but the kicking action i think is valid.
my mates powned you! :mrgreen:

i never² kick! (²maybe for unlikely much feeding or trashtalk...)
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i did not want to blame the kick system! i think, its pretty good, so far.
i just wanted to know, if "kicking for penalty" is happening regularly, or this was just unique misadventureBig Grin
i have to admit, that i played not really well, but i think, i wasnt execessive feeding, so the game would "balance" because of kick.
additionally, he acknowledge that he wanted kick me for penalty
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
I agree with SCorpA1 that his stats cannot be considered excessive feeding which is a ban reason.

But kicking people for giving penalty on purpose is not the purpose with the allowance of the kick features. It's main purpose is to remove fanatic feeders that servers to strengthen the other team on purpose or sabotaging your team from winning by idling etc...

This behavior is unacceptable but hard to confirm or track since the player responsible of doing this must kinda exploit himself by saying that he kicked you just so you get penalty points, which is valid reason for permanent ban imo (ban rules updated).

However if velocity2k agrees this is good reason for ban withhorrible sportmanship with motive revealed on the replay is revealed, I keep the ban rules updated for this matter as well (It wasn't covered in rules). However since the motive of action kinda must be revealed by the player doing this action, it's a difficult ban unless he mistakenly makes such a foolish move and says he did that on purpose for giving that player penalty points. Also the kicked player must not have insane bad stats.

You cannot read a players bad motives and ban him for unspoked words, unless he exposes his motives through very solid actions or/and words. In this case actions are nearly impossible to read so words reveals the kickers intention.
TKF Wrote:...which is valid reason for permanent ban imo (ban rules updated).
im happy to hear that Smile

btw, you negated the first "bad actions" but the new ones you didnt.
sounds like you should
to be a friendly player :lol:
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
I've fixed that by changing it to KICKING A TEAMPLAYER ON PURPOSE FOR PENALTY POINTS PUNISHMENT. Also you only have 1 base no I don't see the reason to alter the other one. Also it's not possible to block off enemy base since they will kill your strutures and attack eventually and totally nonsense.

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