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Casting Delay and Times
I've done a little search and couldn't find a topic specifically regarding casting delays and times.

Infernal's Chaos Teleport used to have a delay of about 0.5 seconds if I remember correctly, but now it's much less noticable, only the animation takes a bit of time. This small buff may seem insignificant at first, but makes using the Infernal so much better.

However there are other skills that still have a casting delay/time. The one most would be familiar with is Lightning Storm. As many have pointed out before, not only is its casting delay 1 second, but the range is definitely under 1000. About 800-850. Other AOE spells such as the Frost Robot's Ice Rain ultimate have a range of about 950. Hunter's Acid Cloud and Gravity Grenade also about 950 range.

Another skill with noticable delay is Heavy Tank's Hail of Bombs ultimate. The delay with this skill is in the animation. When activated, the tank shoots a blank or a flare or something, then the hail comes out. Unecessary animation has caused this skill to be delayed. Whether this is itended for balancing purposes, as some have complained about Hail of Bombs' strength, or whether it was overlooked I don't know.

Also, apart from the small casting time, Hail of Bombs is not an easy skill to aim. There aren't many skills that rely on the direction of the tank when activated, the only others that come to mind are Sky Fortress' Turbo Boost and Medivac's Superthrust. However these skills work well and are easy to aim due to both being air tanks. The problem with Hail of Bombs is that the tank has to manoeuver past obstalces: terrain, creeps, other tanks and trees. The air tanks obvisouly don't suffer from this problem and you can simply right click in the direction of your enemy and fire the skill, which makes it almost like an oridinary skill. There are other skills that are directional and similar to Hail of Bombs such as Demolisher's Jet Wave and Earth Robot's Dust Wave. These skills have a targetting reticle because they are ground tanks and I can imagine both skills being difficult to aim. Again, this may be an intended effect for balancing purposes.

Some other skills with delays that come to mind are: Shredder's Unit Teleport and Hunter's Gravity Grenade. There are others, but most of them seem to be animation related delays.

So I would like to see the following changes if possible:

1. Remove the Casting Delay from not just Thunder Storm, but all skills. A skill should not have to be delayed to be balanced.
2. Increase the range of Thunder Storm to match the likes of Ice Rain and Acid Cloud -> ~950.
3. Make a small change to Hail of Bombs so its animation time is reduced.
4. Give a targetting reticle for Hail of Bombs to be directed by the user.
5. Change Air Ship's Healing Drones so when activated, the tank won't stop if already moving. Make it like Light Tank's Repair.
casting time is implemented as a meant for the skill to be balanced.
1. thunder storm is no channeling spell, so when casted you can move away, while the skill is still active.
2. (much) stronger tanks skills are meant to be stronger, as such a greater range is quite normal.
3 + 4. no
5. standard wc3 spell with changed animations. easier and way better to be left the way it is.
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Can someone please explain to me what healing drones do?
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
that's a joke, right? i really hope so, because we've got a subforum for each tanks, including their spells.
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Healing Drones (W) - Active

Releases healing drones that are able to damage enemy units and transfer the stolen life to the Air Ship. Lasts 15 seconds



Doesn't mention damage, only number of drones. This skill is barely used because no one knows if the damage is worth it.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
if you really wanted to check it, you could have found it yourself. ;-)
healing drones do 126-127 ( hero type ) damage at normal attack rate ( 1.00 ). upon return, 80% of the damage dealt will be transferred as hitpoints back to the air ship. note that the healing drones will dissappear after a given time. so if they don't return ( dying instead of dissappearing into the air ship ) when the skill ends, the hitpoints may not be given.
as its a standard wc3 skill called "locust swarm", i linked the original one here.
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omfg! i was thinking some similiar things. if the map devs are currently fucking with the god damn casting delays and wether or not it's channeling then i'd at least like to be informed in a thread and the changelog!

they probably already are. i'm just too lazy to read them lately. i've been winning 90% of my games for the past year without trying so i haven't been keeping up like i used to.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
There was actually nothing changed concerning these skills since we took the map over.
~Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much~

Orbital Movement System Preview
oh sorry. sorry for accusing u falsely. :o

i thought maybe the titan stun had been messed with. it seems like it's channeling. does anyone know for sure? it's just one of those things i'm too lazy to want to test but once not figuring it out for sure makes me loose a dozen or so games then i'll finally get around to it. Smile
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Saiyuki Wrote:if you really wanted to check it, you could have found it yourself. ;-)
healing drones do 126-127 ( hero type ) damage at normal attack rate ( 1.00 ). upon return, 80% of the damage dealt will be transferred as hitpoints back to the air ship.

Why need add this to the tool-tip? You can maybe round it down to 125 and 100 hp healed to make it simpler, though it is affected by armor. I also agree with tc that the casting time for healing drones should be removed like light tank's repair.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.

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