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Stop Abusing the Kick System
The amount of kicking based on score is ridiculous. The developers can only change the kick system so much, the community is really what determines fairness or not. We all have off games at times. I have won many games when our team has a 2-1 disadvantage. I have also lost many games with a 2-1 advantage. Stop kicking players based on score, if you don't offer them advice or suggestions then stfu and leave the game yourself. Everyday I play battletanks there is at least one game where kick hungry people mass kick everyone with a negative score, and sometimes when they do accomplish this, they -giveup. Show some sportsmanship, I know its a competitive map but don't throw away your values.
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I agree that a kick should only be done if the person has a very negative k/d ratio like 10 deaths 1 kill after 15 minutes. Or if the person cannot get back into the game (in lack of exp and gold) which is negative feedback.

In every single game I see massive kick going on and even in qualify where players are supposed to train. In most cases. The "more experienced" players like to throw kick out just because someone is feeding (even with 1:3 score (it's so lame))

Qualify games are supposed to be games where u can "train" or make urself qualified for ranked games. So when you're qualified then JOIN THE RANKED GAMES! Instead of tearing on the other players and throw kicks around.

I'd also support this thread.
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
Indeed, there are too many people abusing kick.

I liked the "no kick at all"-solution at most but sadly there where idiots abusing such a solution tooUndecided
Detecting real sabotaging is not as easy as it may look like and should be the only legit reason for a kick.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Well said eSVau.

I do however suggest that the kick threshold is increased after 20 minutes because kicking never helps a team after that point.
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Quote:10 deaths 1 kill after 15 minutes

The problem is that you need more than 20 min at least to be able to kick this guy.. especially when he waste gold on troop...

A good balance has to be found :o
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Qulify games: just lose the kick system in that mode...I have played a game or to in qulify, and I see "pro`s" going there, pwning the rookies so hard.
Really not fair at all.
There should be a req. to join qulify games. Like to high ELO, then u cant join ect ect. dunno what.
Sad we lose players to league because some of the pros like to mingel wiht the rookies and pwning em so much, they drop the game once and or all. (i say FIX THAT!).

Kick sys. in Ranked.

We ALL have and off game now and then, but the bot should sort out the feeders ect. automaticly.
Exp. 1 guy has 1 kill - 10 deaths and 0 assists. (1:10 ratio) then bot should auto. call a vote. with bot counting as 1 vote.
Had the guy 1 kills - 10 deaths and 6 assist (1:10 ratio + assists) shows the guy is a team player, there for WONT get and auto kick vote by team.

They kick sys. is allrdy really hard I say.

Played games where a dude feeders like 1-20 ratio, selling gear ect. WE CANT KICK HIM! But if we wont on BEST on team we can....really lame!
how to abuse the kick system? by kicking somebody? O_o

imho you should be able to kick anybody anytime with 4 votes
end of the kick discussion & neverending kick system changes

People who sabotage games need to be IP banned not kicked. Report them for a ban. I have not seen intentionaly sabotage in a game I have played in months, but I seen half my games ruined by kicking players who didn't need to be kicked. People kick just out of spite and it's ruining league.

The fact is simple: If you kick anyone after 20 minutes have already past you're going to lose the 4v5. Look at game records, the proof is all there.

1. Kick should be disabled after 20 minutes except for afkers

Kicking does not help after 15 minutes and jagoffs who think kicking someone after 20 minutes will help them are a WORSE problem.

I've seen veterans kicked after dying several times in a row being first to defend a CP. It's bullshit and it needs to stop.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: People who sabotage games need to be IP banned not kicked. Report them for a ban. I have not seen intentionaly sabotage in a game I have played in months, but I seen half my games ruined by kicking players who didn't need to be kicked. People kick just out of spite and it's ruining league.
They needs to be kicked too unless you want the game destroyed 100%

(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: The fact is simple: If you kick anyone after 20 minutes have already past you're going to lose the 4v5. Look at game records, the proof is all there.
That is not a fact.

(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: 1. Kick should be disabled after 20 minutes except for afkers

Kicking does not help after 15 minutes and jagoffs who think kicking someone after 20 minutes will help them are a WORSE problem.

If someone starts idling or sabotaging the team after 15 or 20 minutes then you don't want a kick on person?

(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: I've seen veterans kicked after dying several times in a row being first to defend a CP. It's bullshit and it needs to stop.

Define veterans and idiots, I see many idiots trying to take 1 cp alone vs 3 enemies and they die in 1 or 2 seconds. When you teleport then look at ur mates and teleport at the same time as they do. If the "veterans" really are as good as they are then they shouldn't be kickable, in fact they aren't kickable due to the new kicksystem.
(2011-05-16, 21:01:29)stibi- Wrote: how to abuse the kick system? by kicking somebody? O_o

imho you should be able to kick anybody anytime with 4 votes
end of the kick discussion & neverending kick system changes

Sometimes there are 2 friends on the same team sabotaging together for example...
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
I've seen veterans kicked after dying several times in a row being first to defend a CP. It's bullshit and it needs to stop.
Quote:Define veterans and idiots, I see many idiots trying to take 1 cp alone vs 3 enemies and they die in 1 or 2 seconds. When you teleport then look at ur mates and teleport at the same time as they do. If the "veterans" really are as good as they are then they shouldn't be kickable, in fact they aren't kickable due to the new kicksystem.

Veteran is someone mindful of CP defense. I'm talking about defending a CP not attacking one.

Often saving a CP is dependent on a player tping in before allies because the allies are not in position to come. It's the difference between playing with good players and bad stats whore players who lane too far and are never available to help CP defense.
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
I'd say always have 4ppl needed to kick someone and that's it.

Kicking should only be there to kick people who start to insult others and flame around wildly. Or people who try to ruin a game by suiciding or parking their tank in the corner.

I don't really care for bad players - may they play as they play, who cares. IT'S A GAME! It's supposed to be fun - if you're a bad looser, you shouldn't join a game.

I never give up and never kickvote someone only because of bad score. It's only when people start to suicide to ruin a game, don't play with the team saying "you're all noobs!" or park their tanks in the corner of the base. And most of the time you can't even kick those corner-parkers.

I'd say you should always be able to kick someone who's insulting others, because it ruins a game in my eyes - and if people don't like to loose, they should either not join the game at all or just leave it.

Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: I've seen veterans kicked after dying several times in a row being first to defend a CP. It's bullshit and it needs to stop.
This is word for me. Being "honorable" in game is a great way to be kicked.

Assists don't seem to count for much either, I got kicked out of a game when I had the highest assists out of everyone playing on both teams! wtf!

In league I used to try be the first to defend cp, now I am last. I am just shit scared of being kicked for merely defending a cp, I hope this can change. Maybe a stat for "defending" that counts toward being un/kickable.
(2011-06-25, 10:01:32)Teo_live Wrote:
(2011-05-28, 07:41:59)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: I've seen veterans kicked after dying several times in a row being first to defend a CP. It's bullshit and it needs to stop.
This is word for me. Being "honorable" in game is a great way to be kicked.

Assists don't seem to count for much either, I got kicked out of a game when I had the highest assists out of everyone playing on both teams! wtf!

In league I used to try be the first to defend cp, now I am last. I am just shit scared of being kicked for merely defending a cp, I hope this can change. Maybe a stat for "defending" that counts toward being un/kickable.

You don't have to die to take control point. Just have some map awareness and be at your CP before enemy tries to take it. If they go like 4v1 on you then blink or just leave the control point instead of doing suicide.
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
(2011-06-25, 12:08:50)Tynkywinky Wrote: You don't have to die to take control point.
Defending CP, not talking about taking CP.
(2011-06-25, 12:08:50)Tynkywinky Wrote: Just have some map awareness and be at your CP before enemy tries to take it. If they go like 4v1 on you then blink or just leave the control point instead of doing suicide.
Going before an enemy gets there IS just another way of going first...

I think you don't understand the scenario...
Let's say the entire opposition is trying to take over a CP (so 5 vs 0) and all 4 of your allies are able to warp to that CP (lets say most allies are in base). I have noticed in league naturally no one (including myself) wants to be the first to tp in and willingly take all the damage and get the negative score as the teams sacrificial lamb. Many people usually wait for someone to TP first, purely so they don't get a negative score.

I personally never used to be like that, I used to always love dying for my team. Though now with so many people abusing the kick system for a remotely small negative score... its just too risky to be the sacrificial lamb. It's not just me either, as other people have mentioned even seasoned veteran players are being kicked just because they have a slightly negative score from being far better teamplayers (namely from defending CP's more). Either change the kicking system, or have some sort of assist reward for being first to defend a CP

(2011-06-25, 15:52:23)Teo_live Wrote:
(2011-06-25, 12:08:50)Tynkywinky Wrote: You don't have to die to take control point.
Defending CP, not talking about taking CP.
(2011-06-25, 12:08:50)Tynkywinky Wrote: Just have some map awareness and be at your CP before enemy tries to take it. If they go like 4v1 on you then blink or just leave the control point instead of doing suicide.
Going before an enemy gets there IS just another way of going first...

I think you don't understand the scenario...
Let's say the entire opposition is trying to take over a CP (so 5 vs 0) and all 4 of your allies are able to warp to that CP (lets say most allies are in base). I have noticed in league naturally no one (including myself) wants to be the first to tp in and willingly take all the damage and get the negative score as the teams sacrificial lamb. Many people usually wait for someone to TP first, purely so they don't get a negative score.

I personally never used to be like that, I used to always love dying for my team. Though now with so many people abusing the kick system for a remotely small negative score... its just too risky to be the sacrificial lamb. It's not just me either, as other people have mentioned even seasoned veteran players are being kicked just because they have a slightly negative score from being far better teamplayers (namely from defending CP's more). Either change the kicking system, or have some sort of assist reward for being first to defend a CP

Sometimes, i just fake tp to be sure people telep together :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
retards in the air almost got kick by nobs
they could kick me on 21-12 i cant vote purple(CatDog) on 6-15... nice 1 more vote and i got kicked
and forgot save replay to ban this noob
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
(2011-06-25, 15:52:23)Teo_live Wrote: I think you don't understand the scenario...
Let's say the entire opposition is trying to take over a CP (so 5 vs 0) and all 4 of your allies are able to warp to that CP (lets say most allies are in base). I have noticed in league naturally no one (including myself) wants to be the first to tp in and willingly take all the damage and get the negative score as the teams sacrificial lamb. Many people usually wait for someone to TP first, purely so they don't get a negative score.

I don't really think I've had that scenario before:)
Why not just teleport to the CP with a tech mech and buy a barricade? it's also a possibility.
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
I played this game for the very first time today. I've been playing WC3 games for years, and I've absolutely mastered several of them. So, it offends me greatly when I play on Battle Tanks Qualify (which is supposed to be for noobs anyways) for the first time and my entire team is telling me to leave and trying to kick me. Sure, I had a horrible K/D ratio, but how is anyone supposed to get good at this game if they constantly get kicked? This is one of those games where if you have a bad start or if you feed the enemy a little, it affects your team for the rest of the game.

I played 4-5 games today, and I got kicked out of 2 of them. Whenever I asked for help (what weapon do I pick, where do I buy armor/HP, etc.), I was ignored, called stupid, and/or told to leave. So then I asked them how I'm supposed to get good at BT if I constantly get kicked and nobody gives me any help, and they told me to go 1v1 a computer. My reply was that's like telling someone to go play the Campaign so they can get better at ladder. (I figured they were being sarcastic/crude, but w/e.)

Out of the hundreds of custom games I've ever played, I have never experienced one with a worse community than this. The map itself is really fun, but I honestly don't see how the game will last longer than a few months if every noob undergoes the same experience that I had today.

Hopefully this changes your mind about kicking players with even 0 Kills 25 Deaths. If you're playing on a bot that was meant for noobs to figure out how the game works and get better at it, then you need to give them a suitable environment to do so.

Quote:Stop kicking players based on score, if you don't offer them advice or suggestions then stfu and leave the game yourself.

Quote:Kicking should only be there to kick people who start to insult others and flame around wildly. Or people who try to ruin a game by suiciding or parking their tank in the corner.

Quote:I never give up and never kickvote someone only because of bad score. It's only when people start to suicide to ruin a game, don't play with the team saying "you're all noobs!" or park their tanks in the corner of the base. And most of the time you can't even kick those corner-parkers.
+1 One of my allies put their tank in the corner and went afk for the rest of the game like you said.

Seriously though, the first time I ever played this game, my K : D was like 0 : 20. I wasn't suiciding, and I certainly didn't deserve to get kicked. Keep that in mind.
Just got kicked again. My K : D was 2 : 7.

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