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Rebuy at JunkYard

I dont know if it s being discussed already or if it s in plan.
But could it be possible to higlight your own stuff in the junkyard like items are in differents colours : red for your own items and standard for others team members ones?

Cause here is the issue :

" Yeah another game!
I got owned by a 17++ elo light tank with double basic magic in the last one....Basic magic is so OPPPPP vs my 950 range weap!!!!!
Well I ll go for light and basic magic and owned my lane! (I m a genius)"
" f... im getting raped by this heli long range on laneAngry!"
"I m feeding... I got to buy light hull"
"well this guy just use noob air and stay at range and I cant follow with my ground light tank"
" Genius again !!! Il selll my stuff to buy airship (so OPPPPP)"
" So here I am with my airship ( nohull , minus one basic magic cause i didnot farm enough"
"Ill rebuy later no lose for me. Oh yeah time to get kills"
2 or 5 minutes later depending on your skill.
" Yeah i got 1500 gold i can buy my hull or my basic for 833 or 975"
"straight to the junkyard.
Huh WTF why all those light hulls, those basic magic ???????
which are mines????? I cant believe everyone copy my tech! (I must be a proCool)
well lets buy... : 1400????? F....................... I just loose 500Angry
" Calm down these extra gold went to one of my team mate .
Btanks is team game, Btanks is team game, Btanks is team game, Btanks is team game...
F.. no i dont give a sh.. about teamates I want my money back!Angry
St.. game, I cant do nothing now my tech is destroyed cause of my teamate not wanting to rebuy my hull to give me back my gold.
Its over : Idea lets just giveup....(agian genius)"

Well the idea is hereBig Grin.
Btw I like the game no offense Tongue

But sometimes I want to kill the tinker who keeps the junkyard : look at this mess. you cant find your stuff, he is doing poor job just fire him!
And not talking in late game when you sell to buy Inf or Sky and with the 100 weaps in the junk : good luck to find what you want!

So If you can detect which one is yours because its cheaper to rebuy it! can you highlights the items whit a specific colour and/ or classify stuff in the junkyard like some zone depneding on the cost:
zone 1 items <1k gold
zone 2 items <2k gold
zone 3 items < 3k gold
well you got the idea.

gr8 idea.
I very often sell something to buy something stronger and then rebuy the chepear item. Sometimes it's rly hard, espcially when i sell for example goldhull+some minore weapon to buy tank. wheni want to rebuy it i usually waste lot of time, especially when two item boxes are almost one on another and it's like 0.5mm of space when u can point your item. i have hight dpi mouse and it's hard. for guys with cheap mouses it's impossible i think.
I do also think it could be useful to remove old items from the junkyard (for example after 30 min).
you do know the junkyard tinker has a function that tells the owner and cost of the items in the junkyard right? I do agree that the lategame junkyard is way to ridiculously cluttered though.
(2012-03-12, 15:45:13)UnifiedDoom Wrote: you do know the junkyard tinker has a function that tells the owner and cost of the items in the junkyard right? I do agree that the lategame junkyard is way to ridiculously cluttered though.

Well my bad on this point. Never look closely at this tinker.
When junkyard was added in game I did not pay attention to that.
And I managed to get most of my items thanks to mech or my ship and trying every item with few gold so it tells you that "you dont have X gold to buy this item" and I was able to find mine like this. Then I waited to rebuy.
But from time to time I had not the time between my sell and my rebuy to check with this method and when you got the gold the bought is done and i miss my itemsDodgy.

But I ll take a look now. thanks for advice.

I still want a better way to find my items ( faster I think with some colour).

And as Progg pointed out : sometimes items are at 1mm from each other and even if you know which one is yours, the mouse dont keep up and you can end with the wrong or trying for 1mn to click on it.
The way items appears in junk could be rework for better reading and gameplay.

Yes, there are actually already some plans to improve the junkyard.

Like for example, there will be a set maximum amount of items on the yard and each time another item is added, the item with the lowest gold price gets removed. I'm also planning to let the function, that shows you the owners, automatically activate, once you enter the junkyard. Maybe the distrubution will also be less random, I'll have to see.
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While beeing at it, please add a tank junkyard and autobuy feature, so when you buy a new item that already is at the junk, you get the item from junk instead and save some money. (at least give a hint that the specific item is availible at junk, in case of upgraded item etc.)
maybe just divite junkyard to five parts. on each part items of different player sorter from the cheapest to the most expesnsive one.

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