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Ban request theory
i see the admins of the league have come up with very good reasons and have given clear information on what is a ban-able offense .

I have noticed in qualify and ranked games people are kicking others not for the fact that they feed nor flame or anything like that but because they are trying to play

Others want give up and one or particular players don't want to

This is it how goes etc -kick 2
i ask why when im in opposing team and they "he doesnt want to giveup" honestly and half the time he gets kicked its not fair i believe and i think there should be something done about this .....really sucks if u just want to play on "i myself have been in a situation were my team wants to give up and they try kick me our base got down to 1000 hp that game but we won ...just to point out its besides the fact of winning or loosing if a player wants to carry on playing you should have no right to kick him "i myself am here to win but when in a loosing situation i still find the challenge of defending or just letting the game die out ...fine

Most of the time i see them votekick a player off then giveup so sad...

Secondly hate that noobs or new players or bad players can be kicked for playing bad in qualify also annoys me

But i must give big wraps to the way btanks has evolved and give credit to the people controlling the league systemSmile
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Yeah bennie is kick someone just because he don't wanna giveup Huh
i don't like that too, but that is still a game option

people who are in this situations should try to play carefully Angel

so what people in this situation should just giveup instead of loosing X2 POINTS? Is it possible if somone kicked me for the fact that i don't give up it can be bannable? not that i have im just wondering
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Had same situation.
I was calling giveup vote before 3 noobs in my team, cause it was obvious for me that we have no chance (by seing how they play). Tryed to explain this to them. Noone was voting. After wasting another 20 min of my time they started to call votes xD Than i said: i will waste your time just like you wasted mine and they diserved to finish now on their own. Had best stats off the team i think as the only 1 positive, idk why it was possible to kick me. And they just did ^^
It's funny you know, when I started out in tanks I never wanted to give up. I always wanted to see what could be.

I guess the whole kick 'feature' is unfortunately a necessary evil for bot hosted games. Some of my mind is still used to being the host and controlling all who are invited to play by balancing the game by knowing the players being a player in a machine hosted community is an adaptation for an old man like me. I must be 90 in gamer years.

If there is a way you can make it not allow inappropriate kicks, all the better. Another idea is to re-introduce the human factor and have live admins play.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Dirty man :-) u sure u talk about same thing?

Admins PLEASE put a brain shop for dirty on map.... THANKS

that post show to all what sh caracter u have... u say u sabotage ur team game by playn isolate to f ur team mates, that is all u... keep it up...

best regards
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
(2012-05-18, 00:40:04)PROGGKILLER Wrote: OMG
Dirty man :-) u sure u talk about same thing?

Admins PLEASE put a brain shop for dirty on map.... THANKS

that post show to all what sh caracter u have... u say u sabotage ur team game by playn isolate to f ur team mates, that is all u... keep it up...

best regards

Honestly... Any 1 know what this declared retard is talking about ?
(2012-05-18, 00:52:11)dirtyterror Wrote:
(2012-05-18, 00:40:04)PROGGKILLER Wrote: OMG
Dirty man :-) u sure u talk about same thing?

Admins PLEASE put a brain shop for dirty on map.... THANKS

that post show to all what sh caracter u have... u say u sabotage ur team game by playn isolate to f ur team mates, that is all u... keep it up...

best regards

Honestly... Any 1 know what this declared retard is talking about ?

retard looks like an insult, is all u know to do?
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
(2012-05-18, 01:06:20)PROGGKILLER Wrote:
(2012-05-18, 00:52:11)dirtyterror Wrote:
(2012-05-18, 00:40:04)PROGGKILLER Wrote: OMG
Dirty man :-) u sure u talk about same thing?

Admins PLEASE put a brain shop for dirty on map.... THANKS

that post show to all what sh caracter u have... u say u sabotage ur team game by playn isolate to f ur team mates, that is all u... keep it up...

best regards

Honestly... Any 1 know what this declared retard is talking about ?

retard looks like an insult, is all u know to do?

You QQ about insult after you said: pls set a brain shop on map for dirty.
Dude are you rly that fucking dumb or just your poor english does not allow you to understand what you write?

To admins: Why you dont ban him for writing so sensless stuff on forum? Cant you see how anoying that person is ? Have you ever tryed to read what is he writing about whole time? When i tanke a part in a discussion hes putting his: dirty is stupid into any conversation... Can you stop this pls?
we could, for sure, but then we would need to do the same for everyone provoking more flame/spam/offtopic in here, including yourself.
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(2012-05-18, 13:12:19)Saiyuki Wrote: we could, for sure, but then we would need to do the same for everyone provoking more flame/spam/offtopic in here, including yourself.

You are right... But i get provoked by his behavion in games, and on forum, he started to bug me with pm's in game and here + he was giving me multiple negative rates... Hes creating provoking nicknamed accounts... Velocity deleted them and even admit to me that he know grizzly is rly anoying person.. Hes creating provoking nicknamed accounts... I never made an acc named: GrizzlyBGoutFucker/killer/rapist and so one... Ask who ever you want about me from ngx clan, im not some brainless duchebag.. Ewen tez sick in ban request that grizzly pointed in me, admitted that he never saw so sensless ban request and he does understand me when im getting pissed and i flame a little bit about GrizzlyB. I rly tryed to explain to him my point of viev in friendly and polite way, and when i tryed he said something on lvl: go fuck your mother...

Tez and Velo where the first 2 that undesrtand fully how hard is this boy in a social way...
u still lies

u say

Hes creating provoking nicknamed accounts... Velocity deleted them and even admit to me that he know grizzly is rly anoying person..

in fact u proove u have no brain sayng that, all other acounts u talk about is not me but u mabe had a lot of freinds who amuse to make u think that acounts is mine

i have all my acounts ever created

first was GrizlyB i let it down

nothing really nothing more created, and all 3 acounts had better ranking than u... u never understand that lying people is bad for ur personnel image...

lies lies bla bla never stop u push me every day btu now i no insult no more, i cant say same thing about u...

social behaviour hohoho, im not the only who say about u have shit behaviour but noone dare to say it to u in face...i really like to met u in real life so we can discuss about all that insults u post on me every day...
best regards
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
(2012-05-19, 15:14:06)PROGGKILLER Wrote: dirty
u still lies

u say

Hes creating provoking nicknamed accounts... Velocity deleted them and even admit to me that he know grizzly is rly anoying person..

in fact u proove u have no brain sayng that, all other acounts u talk about is not me but u mabe had a lot of freinds who amuse to make u think that acounts is mine

i have all my acounts ever created

first was GrizlyB i let it down

nothing really nothing more created, and all 3 acounts had better ranking than u... u never understand that lying people is bad for ur personnel image...

lies lies bla bla never stop u push me every day btu now i no insult no more, i cant say same thing about u...

social behaviour hohoho, im not the only who say about u have shit behaviour but noone dare to say it to u in face...i really like to met u in real life so we can discuss about all that insults u post on me every day...
best regards

I said that he deleted negative rating (2) That you gave me on forum. Want a screen shot with mail from him as ultimate proove? And you do not create provoking nicknames? And what about proggKiller that you made after arguing with him? Pls get english lessons and learn to read with understanding. Your lack of basic language knowledge is anoying.

Want a link to the post where you said that: yournighmare, is not your account? You imaginated that i lie wo any prooves, and i can give you them right away.
1) yes ! you gave me two negative ragings 1 by 1, and velocity2k deleted them and wrote to me in email that he know that you are anoying person (want a screen shot?)
2) yes! you create accounts wihth provokive nicknames.
3) yes! you lied that Yournightmare is not your account, do you really need a thread to post on forum where you sait this? And now you write its yours...
4) its not the ranking that say anything about account. when you will understand this... Ask some good player what you should watch in stats to measure player worth. Even on eu dirty where i was learning how to play in league with 1800 games my average kills is 1.7 and yours? with like 100 games on proggkiller 1.5? You dont even know what to watch. Seccond dirty on us east was 1.9 now its around 1.87 i think.

My bad social behavion in game? ONLY because i get pissed and flame. And noone dare to say this to me? LOL and who i am ?:D If any 1 could say with clean conscience that i play selfish some 1 would do this.
yea give me that link

im sure u talkin about knightmere, thats really not mine, and if u cant put here that link shout ur big mouth in the future

second i wrote up exactly wot u sayd so i dont f care about ur low memory

and man u can talk about tech btanks when u have more games wonned than loosed.... play better if u so good...
i dont fukin care about ur kills/deaths, all ego players with no team game get allways more kills than deaths so u look wot u want i look wot i want. I get almost every game a lot of assist even max of team. A kill is a kill for my team is good i dont fukin care if i get it or other player in my team.... if i get 0 kills after a god team action i feel good anyway and say yesyes "good team work".
If u die at lane and i kill ur adv on side u say u hate me cus that is shit... u think is ego to stop him to creep more than u...
i understand u hate me like hell cus i never accept ur flame and insults but this is not a reason to lie, stop be so cildish...

best regards
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
(2012-05-20, 01:17:46)PROGGKILLER Wrote: yea give me that link

im sure u talkin about knightmere, thats really not mine, and if u cant put here that link shout ur big mouth in the future

second i wrote up exactly wot u sayd so i dont f care about ur low memory

and man u can talk about tech btanks when u have more games wonned than loosed.... play better if u so good...
i dont fukin care about ur kills/deaths, all ego players with no team game get allways more kills than deaths so u look wot u want i look wot i want. I get almost every game a lot of assist even max of team. A kill is a kill for my team is good i dont fukin care if i get it or other player in my team.... if i get 0 kills after a god team action i feel good anyway and say yesyes "good team work".
If u die at lane and i kill ur adv on side u say u hate me cus that is shit... u think is ego to stop him to creep more than u...
i understand u hate me like hell cus i never accept ur flame and insults but this is not a reason to lie, stop be so cildish...

best regards

You dont get simple stuff dude. What does mean that i have more loss than win?lol... Whatever i wont argue with you, since i know its pointless and you will never stop response in the moste brainless way.
I wont write back in this post for any message from gruzzlyB.
right this post is not for our shit...

but man dont worry i post 1 for u special to send me ur link...


best regards
ur freind
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
/ignore dirtyterror

Unfortunately I've already suggested disabling kicking in qualify games, but as it stands, qualify is very often used by seasoned bt players for
- multiaccs (really, why do you create a second account? I still don't get it - never had a reason to, and never did)
- playing for fun

For the later reason: Face it, pub games suck. But in qualify most people don't care as much for that fact as in ranked, which often leads to qualify games being more fun than ranked ones, independent of player skill.

As for kicking player who don't give up I'm regularly encountering this as well.
(can't remember I've ever given up, except for restarting a game when both teams agreed on it, because multiple players had DC in the first 5 minutes - would be interesting how many giveup votes velo could find from me in his logsBig Grin )
But as time goes along I've become accustomed to it, and 95% of the time I'm not getting kicked in such circumstances (and it's not because my score is so awesome, as I've been on a negative K/D for about my past 50 games or so, though I don't really know why)

Either way, IMHO it all stems from people thinking they play some solo game, instead of realizing what a team/online game is about.

Just my .50 centWink
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
(2012-05-27, 00:02:40)griffin1987 Wrote: /ignore dirtyterror

Unfortunately I've already suggested disabling kicking in qualify games, but as it stands, qualify is very often used by seasoned bt players for
- multiaccs (really, why do you create a second account? I still don't get it - never had a reason to, and never did)
- playing for fun

For the later reason: Face it, pub games suck. But in qualify most people don't care as much for that fact as in ranked, which often leads to qualify games being more fun than ranked ones, independent of player skill.

As for kicking player who don't give up I'm regularly encountering this as well.
(can't remember I've ever given up, except for restarting a game when both teams agreed on it, because multiple players had DC in the first 5 minutes - would be interesting how many giveup votes velo could find from me in his logsBig Grin )
But as time goes along I've become accustomed to it, and 95% of the time I'm not getting kicked in such circumstances (and it's not because my score is so awesome, as I've been on a negative K/D for about my past 50 games or so, though I don't really know why)

Either way, IMHO it all stems from people thinking they play some solo game, instead of realizing what a team/online game is about.

Just my .50 centWink

I think being able to kick in qualify games is essential and some of the worst behavior and play happens there. If a terrible player continues to get kicked from qualify is delays their entry into RANKED until they are capable of not feeding, which in my opinion is good.

I also think new players should start with 1450 ELO. I have countless examples of imbalanced games in favor of the team with the new guy having 1500 ELO and only 1 RANKED game in. This is another topic on it's own, so I thought I'd introduce it here.
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
(2013-04-28, 21:40:53)GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote: I think being able to kick in qualify games is essential and some of the worst behavior and play happens there. If a terrible player continues to get kicked from qualify is delays their entry into RANKED until they are capable of not feeding, which in my opinion is good.

I also think new players should start with 1450 ELO. I have countless examples of imbalanced games in favor of the team with the new guy having 1500 ELO and only 1 RANKED game in. This is another topic on it's own, so I thought I'd introduce it here.
and how about those that join qualify to learn how to play? or about more experienced(big noobs imo) players that join qualify to kick new players for the extra gold? or about players that should be playing ranked but they play qualify and the skill difference is huge. which leads them to ruin qualify games and make new players kickable in a matter of minutes. How about pro player who creats new account and ruins balance in ranked by having 1500 (or 1450 as you suggest) ELO.
As you can see there is no such thing as perfect system. and imo kick should be disabled in qualify and a ban reason such as (need more experience to play in ranked should be installed) to make new players play 25 more qualify games.

How about players that have over 1-2k games and still play worse than most new players should they be allowed to play in ranked?
Multi account its usefull when you get banned Cool

Multi account its usefull for not playing seriously Cool

Multi account its usefull for remain unknownCool

Multi account its usefull for making admin rage Cool

i also wonder if i should make multi accounts for the forum tooBig Grin LIoOoOoIL

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