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Troop at the enemy Controll Point
I played 450+ games now and i think its a litle bit unfair that the enemy can buy troops at your controll point.

If they dont can buy there troops at the enemy CP they have to know when its the perfect time to attack and you need a better tactic.

What the other people think about this?

Maybe change this for the Beta?

its a huge investment and therefore risk. I like risk->reward options, so better keep it.
I actually agree, I think these things are way too powerful in the early game cp fights. Simply because there aren't enough tanks than can reliably take them out and they often die before they can even cast any aoe spells if they have them. So the only alternative to counter someone's troop push in the early game is to come prepared with troops of your own.... I'd say if something can only be countered by itself = overpowered. While I enjoy the risk/reward aspect of it I'd rather have them only purchasable at allied cps.

I at least think the cd should be raised, someone going into an enemy cp and spawning like 2-3 of these things almost instantly is pretty ridiculous.
I agree with prog to keep it. Knowing when to buy troops (if you get the oppotunity) is essential for this, or you will just waste your money, besides if you remove the oppotunity to buy troops at enemy cp you make it's way too easy to defend early game because the value gap can't possibly be that wide. It's not impossible to counter with teamplay or troop as you mentioned either Uni.
I think the "risk" aspect of the troops is almost negated by the fact that in order to simply survive any enemy player hoping to defend the cp is going to have to buy troops themselves, or simply feed the attacking player a kill. I never really saw the troop push as a risk but more as a "investment in the enemy's stuipidity" since most of the time they will end up coming one-by-one and without troops to back them up thus feeding easy multikills. Most players (especially mid players) won't be level 10 and most likely won't have their aoe spell, and even if they do most of those aoe spells have a cast time which is longer than the time it takes for the troops + enemy weapons to kill you (the exception being demolisher shockwave). At this phase 2 guys with troop support can easily deal with 5 guys with no troops at all.
It is not very often I say this but I actually agree with UnifiedDoom and Perfektionist.

It makes absolutely no sense in the world that you can buy anything from AN ENEMY CP. Why on earth is an enemy base willing to sell shit to his enemy to give him an advantage over his allies? Who in their right mind wants to be invaded/raped by the enemy!!!!

With that logic you might as well allow the enemy to buy a tank from your Tank Shop and weapons from your weapon shop. While they are at it, lets buy a bomb from the enemy base merchants!

"You want to drop a nuclear bomb on my home town? Yeah sure no problem that will cost you 3000 gold" .................Dodgy
(2012-09-06, 14:46:23)Teo_live Wrote: With that logic you might as well allow the enemy to buy a tank from your Tank Shop and weapons from your weapon shop. While they are at it, lets buy a bomb from the enemy base merchants!

As a matter of fact, this is actually the case (with tanks being the only exception). It's not uncommon to see people buying a factory in the enemy base, to deploy it right there.
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I agree with Teo, it makes no sense that you can buy anything from an enemy cp. You should just steal it and not pay anything, because the item is obviously in store but you don't want to give your opponent's team any gold!

The only Point i can agree, is to raise up the timer (a bit, probably ~3-5s should be enough) to rebuy the troops again, since its kinda possible to spam them right now.

For the Rest: Defending CP´s clever (counts for the whole team), wont give your opponent any chances in the begin (when thus untis are pretty strong, but also expensiv) to buy and even use them effectively.
For the case it should happen, best counter = simultaneous porting from the whole team(not thus 1 by 1 ports.. ) and yes, getting troops bevor too, is also good counter.
Gustave Le Bon "... Die Einseitigkeit und Überschwänglichkeit der Gefühle der Massen bewahren sie vor Zweifel und Ungewissheit. Den Frauen gleich gehen sie sofort bis zum Äußersten. ...".
(2012-09-06, 15:45:47)Prog Wrote: I agree with Teo, it makes no sense that you can buy anything from an enemy cp. You should just steal it and not pay anything, because the item is obviously in store but you don't want to give your opponent's team any gold!


good one;)

I look at cp as a neutral building. Whoever coaptures it have temportary power over this building.
Also it would be interesting to see 4 additional neutral cps when game starts. Noone can use them, tp to them etc. untill it's captured.

And another thing - i remember Exodus saying once that bt is a bit long gane and everything what helps make game shorter (well, almost everything) is ok. Regarding to this buffing def skills and deleting attack possibilites wouldn't be good imo.
(2012-09-06, 01:44:21)Wupti Wrote: I agree with prog to keep it. Knowing when to buy troops (if you get the oppotunity) is essential for this, or you will just waste your money, besides if you remove the oppotunity to buy troops at enemy cp you make it's way too easy to defend early game because the value gap can't possibly be that wide. It's not impossible to counter with teamplay or troop as you mentioned either Uni.

thats good if its not too easy to capture the cp = longer game... and you can always buy first the troops (before take the tower down) rush into the enemy cp and put down your troops. he cant do nothing and you got the same as you will buy the troops at the cp.

ah and btw. only good player watching always your inventory and vs good player you cant rush the tower in 10-15 min down.
wow im stupid -.- why noone say this is the wrong forum? :S
pls can someone move this thread to Feedback?
(2012-09-06, 20:53:52)Perfektionist Wrote:
(2012-09-06, 01:44:21)Wupti Wrote: I agree with prog to keep it. Knowing when to buy troops (if you get the oppotunity) is essential for this, or you will just waste your money, besides if you remove the oppotunity to buy troops at enemy cp you make it's way too easy to defend early game because the value gap can't possibly be that wide. It's not impossible to counter with teamplay or troop as you mentioned either Uni.

thats good if its not too easy to capture the cp = longer game... and you can always buy first the troops (before take the tower down) rush into the enemy cp and put down your troops. he cant do nothing and you got the same as you will buy the troops at the cp.

ah and btw. only good player watching always your inventory and vs good player you cant rush the tower in 10-15 min down.

buying troops at the enemy cp = surprise buttsex
if yu want to avoid surprise buttsex keep your fucking tower alive and force him to stay away fom your cp - end of story
if he can buy troops on your cp it's your own fault - you could not def it anyway
btw all the discussion about buying troops is really stupid imo. Yes they are powerful but only at start when nobody has hulls or has iron hulls. But thats like 10 min in game, if you lose your tower that fast you cant blame it on creeps for losing the cpTongue
(2012-09-08, 12:33:02)EarthR Wrote: btw all the discussion about buying troops is really stupid imo. Yes they are powerful but only at start when nobody has hulls or has iron hulls. But thats like 10 min in game, if you lose your tower that fast you cant blame it on creeps for losing the cpTongue

i only think its too easy to take cp if you can buy troops at the enemy cp :/
And why it should be forbidden? That's lane player fault that he let enemy to destroy tower within short time and it's just their own risk to build barri beacon troops he might fail with thatSmile
(2012-09-08, 19:39:31)DJantoine Wrote: And why it should be forbidden? That's lane player fault that he let enemy to destroy tower within short time and it's just their own risk to build barri beacon troops he might fail with that
(2012-09-08, 12:33:02)EarthR Wrote: btw all the discussion about buying troops is really stupid imo. Yes they are powerful but only at start when nobody has hulls or has iron hulls. But thats like 10 min in game, if you lose your tower that fast you cant blame it on creeps for losing the cp
It is not really the overpowered/underpowered part of it that I hate, or the fact that people should defend their tower.... It is just that it makes no fricken sense at all.

Why does battletanks have turncoat-merchants who appearently don't mind someone destroying their own base? And why are they only willing to sell certain things to the enemy and not other things?

"hey it's ok if you kill my family and burn my hometown with these burning projectiles, just don't kill them with this Demon-Tank ok?" ........................Dodgy
(2012-09-09, 20:29:50)Teo_live Wrote:
(2012-09-08, 19:39:31)DJantoine Wrote: And why it should be forbidden? That's lane player fault that he let enemy to destroy tower within short time and it's just their own risk to build barri beacon troops he might fail with that
(2012-09-08, 12:33:02)EarthR Wrote: btw all the discussion about buying troops is really stupid imo. Yes they are powerful but only at start when nobody has hulls or has iron hulls. But thats like 10 min in game, if you lose your tower that fast you cant blame it on creeps for losing the cp
It is not really the overpowered/underpowered part of it that I hate, or the fact that people should defend their tower.... It is just that it makes no fricken sense at all.

Why does battletanks have turncoat-merchants who appearently don't mind someone destroying their own base? And why are they only willing to sell certain things to the enemy and not other things?

"hey it's ok if you kill my family and burn my hometown with these burning projectiles, just don't kill them with this Demon-Tank ok?" ........................Dodgy
LOL that last line made me laugh.
I believe you should see that its just a gameTongue. If you want to use the same logic then why is a tank resurrecting when it should be deadTongue , or if you want to use an argument that its another tank then why is does it have xp and lvlTongue
(2012-09-09, 20:29:50)Teo_live Wrote:
(2012-09-08, 19:39:31)DJantoine Wrote: And why it should be forbidden? That's lane player fault that he let enemy to destroy tower within short time and it's just their own risk to build barri beacon troops he might fail with that
(2012-09-08, 12:33:02)EarthR Wrote: btw all the discussion about buying troops is really stupid imo. Yes they are powerful but only at start when nobody has hulls or has iron hulls. But thats like 10 min in game, if you lose your tower that fast you cant blame it on creeps for losing the cp
It is not really the overpowered/underpowered part of it that I hate, or the fact that people should defend their tower.... It is just that it makes no fricken sense at all.

Why does battletanks have turncoat-merchants who appearently don't mind someone destroying their own base? And why are they only willing to sell certain things to the enemy and not other things?

"hey it's ok if you kill my family and burn my hometown with these burning projectiles, just don't kill them with this Demon-Tank ok?" ........................ :dodgy:

Well, when arguing about logic in games, you are naturally in a bad position ;) As EarthR noted, there are several things in the game, that make no sense but are still accepted, because that's the way of the game.

But hey, if you want an explanation, how about this one:
The Control Points, more then anything, change their allegiance to currently stronger force (the one that captures them) and sell their goods to them. That makes them kind of neutral. They just sell to whoever is currently in power. The same is true, when looking at the shops in the base. I always thought of them as some kind of third power, that earns its money, by supporting the other two (which also happens in the real world ...). This would also explain why both forces have exactly the same weapons and items at their disposal. Also, why would they care if the base gets destroyed, they are invulnerable anyway ;)

Btw: the tank buying restriction obviously has bigger balance reasons (instant full hp, 3 seconds invulnerability)
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