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No more Bombs in own base - why?

May I know why you made it impossible to place a bomb in the own base in the new version? I hope it's not "because some noobs always bomb their own base" - because many times bombs in the own base are really great, if you need to bomb out the enemy which has put facs into your base. But that's impossible now. And before you start argumenting "but you can still put those bombs behind them" - try that when the enemy has 3 facs in your base right at the center entrance. It's impossible if you aren't trader and using your invul skil or something along that line.

This may totally sound like some jerking off at you, but I just wanna know if there is any other reason than the one I stated, because I really think (& hope) I missed something along the line.

Sorry if what i wrote feels unfriendly, it isn't intended that way, but I may just not be well versed enough in the english language to say it in a friendlier way.

Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.

Messages In This Thread
No more Bombs in own base - why? - by griffin1987 - 2010-03-17, 17:20:05
Re: No more Bombs in own base - why? - by Althend - 2010-03-17, 18:51:54
Re: No more Bombs in own base - why? - by jonjon - 2010-03-18, 01:34:47
Re: No more Bombs in own base - why? - by ssl - 2010-03-19, 11:30:36
Re: No more Bombs in own base - why? - by Paladon - 2010-03-28, 16:59:43
Re: No more Bombs in own base - why? - by ssl - 2010-03-28, 17:11:50

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