That does not imply that kick should be completely impossible, but that any kicksystem needs to be done with considerations of those we need to protect from abusive kicking. And in my point of view we (I think I can speak for the whole dev-team in this case) try to find kick system solutions which are not too easy to abuse, but still provide options to kick players who, for example, feed on purpose or are afk. I'm not claiming that our current solution is perfect and we are thankful to all reasonably formulated feedback and suggestions, but it is a very difficult task.
About your suggestion: While I like the idea to make reports/banrequests ingame possible, I'm not sure if it is possible for us to manage that. It is certainly easier to write just !report xyz ingame instantly as soon as one is angry about some behaviour, than to report here. That could lead to a flood of reports, which we would have to check. Also some of those ingame reports would not be done in the forum, as one would reassess a situation again before posting here, while the ingame report would probably be by mere affect. There might be also serverproblems (capacity/costs) with saving replays of reports, or the reports in general.
Nevertheless this is an idea we should think about. Maybe there are ways to manage those cases by checking only players which have been reportet in x+ games. And/Or apply this way of reports just for chat related issues (flames/insults/etc).
About your suggestion: While I like the idea to make reports/banrequests ingame possible, I'm not sure if it is possible for us to manage that. It is certainly easier to write just !report xyz ingame instantly as soon as one is angry about some behaviour, than to report here. That could lead to a flood of reports, which we would have to check. Also some of those ingame reports would not be done in the forum, as one would reassess a situation again before posting here, while the ingame report would probably be by mere affect. There might be also serverproblems (capacity/costs) with saving replays of reports, or the reports in general.
Nevertheless this is an idea we should think about. Maybe there are ways to manage those cases by checking only players which have been reportet in x+ games. And/Or apply this way of reports just for chat related issues (flames/insults/etc).