(2012-01-10, 04:02:33)UnifiedDoom Wrote: Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=26726
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6679 (warriorsg)
Reason: Flaming, denial of playing, team sabotage, purposefully feeding. He flames all game but he starts doing other things about 30 minutes in.
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6679 warriorsg (3)
reason: flame, insult
(2012-01-10, 19:19:46)raven.ru Wrote: Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=26735
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=121 DNN (2)
49 minute: sell items, buy tinker upgrade armor and write -afk
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6912 Geniuso (1)
31 minute - end game: all time stay to cp or base, kill creeps, only If they approached to a cp
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=121 DNN (2)
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6912 Geniuso (1)
(2012-01-10, 21:38:13)Abrogastes Wrote: Player player.php?playerid=6708 "Teacher" http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6708
Game game.php?gameid=26709 BTanks League RANKED #26753 http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=26742
Reason: Feeding, so we kik him, before get kiked he drop all items into tower and sell tank getting new to destroy his gold. look 15+ minute of game 1 of our protective towers.
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6708 Teacher (3)
reason: eco sabotage
(2012-01-10, 22:49:28)Alexandro Wrote: Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6824 Alexandro2
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6619 Daminator2
Reason: Using my nickname and my brothers nickname. I suppose that i don't need to post any game replays.
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6824 Alexandro2 (1)
reason: name spoof
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=6619 Daminator2 (1)
reason: name spoof