2012-02-09, 16:15:39
(This post was last modified: 2012-02-09, 16:24:08 by dirtyterror.)
I wanted to report player Rateng2:
For his behavior in game:
As far as i remember this player where playing middle scout for like ~25 minutes. Died many times, provided no cover and support. With him and Extasa on middle i could not creep anything. while he had 250 creeps me and Extasa had like 150. I was spending money for baricades to prevent loss of middle cp, was porting every time when there was a need and he flamed me that i dont defend.
I was so hard outfarmed that i could not rly do much. And i had moste of assists in team. Than he tryed to votekick me with way much worse statistics.
I got banned because of him on EU battle net for flaming. There was no further informations besides of this. So i wanted to post my first report ever and i play this game like 4 years or more.
And i wanted you to consider the fact that i didnt flamed back. I wanted to say sorry for my behavior that occures in past games, im just a human and im getting pissed sometimes. But the ones who knows me (from ts and games) know me and they know i can be polite and cincerely.
Game replay Below. Greetings.
I didnt used offensive language vs Pink player. Only asked him why not tank when he have dps. I could not go anythig more cause of non team game of Rateng in the middle. I tryed to hold on my self olthough i was angry. Just watch replay and my word exchange with Rateng on team chat. Every semi intelligent person will see that i didnt wanted to insolt any 1 rly hard. And i heard like Moron many times vo reason. MOSTE ASSISTS IN TEAM.
I wanted to report player Rateng2:
For his behavior in game:
As far as i remember this player where playing middle scout for like ~25 minutes. Died many times, provided no cover and support. With him and Extasa on middle i could not creep anything. while he had 250 creeps me and Extasa had like 150. I was spending money for baricades to prevent loss of middle cp, was porting every time when there was a need and he flamed me that i dont defend.
I was so hard outfarmed that i could not rly do much. And i had moste of assists in team. Than he tryed to votekick me with way much worse statistics.
I got banned because of him on EU battle net for flaming. There was no further informations besides of this. So i wanted to post my first report ever and i play this game like 4 years or more.
And i wanted you to consider the fact that i didnt flamed back. I wanted to say sorry for my behavior that occures in past games, im just a human and im getting pissed sometimes. But the ones who knows me (from ts and games) know me and they know i can be polite and cincerely.
Game replay Below. Greetings.
I didnt used offensive language vs Pink player. Only asked him why not tank when he have dps. I could not go anythig more cause of non team game of Rateng in the middle. I tryed to hold on my self olthough i was angry. Just watch replay and my word exchange with Rateng on team chat. Every semi intelligent person will see that i didnt wanted to insolt any 1 rly hard. And i heard like Moron many times vo reason. MOSTE ASSISTS IN TEAM.