2012-03-11, 19:09:39
(2012-03-10, 19:21:43)El_Polacco Wrote: Game : http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=28621
Player : http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=7123 (drunk_addict)
reason : raging me ( fuck your mom ) and insulting blue trying to votekick us while he was in game until he wasnt kicked he would continue that surely , dying on purpose at the votekick . intended , advised opponents not to wait for 5th player ( he said it few seconds after votekicking was possible) just have faster leavergold for enemy team in 90% cases its certain win for team having leavergold in early game.
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=7123 Drunk_addict (1)
reason: insult
( Drunk_addict = raven.ru )
he always play same tactic in mid (heli + 2 upraded bonfire...later ice canon, gobo porter .....) ....like in this game
and it dosen't work well,because bonfire got no range + no hull =
1.) 100% feed
2.) less creeps
= votekick
In this game Drunk_addict told polacco:
[03:28] [Drunk_addict]: i fuck your mother
[03:58] [Drunk_addict]: go playt vs corpses
[04:03] [Drunk_addict]: nobshiyt
[07:25] [Drunk_addict]: fuck you blue
+ after votekick 4/4 Drunk_addict went on lane to fed polacco's opponent
(2012-03-11, 11:03:24)Drunk_addict Wrote: Game : http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=28621
Player : http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=5747 (FlYAwaySoHigh (2))
reason : In enemy team 1 player afk and i write "kick him". 4 vs 5 - not a fair play. FlYAwaySoHigh insulting me "idiot" and "fucking saboteur". If this noob want play vs corpse - go to one player mode and play vs creeps.
Player : http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=758 (nostralias (2))
reason : 07 min 07 sec consagliere go forward atack me. I think blue help me and we 2 kill him. But blue go back, that me have killed. See creeps quantity.
(2012-03-10, 19:21:43)El_Polacco Wrote: Game : http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=28621
Player : http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=7123 (drunk_addict)
reason : raging me ( fuck your mom ) and insulting blue trying to votekick us while he was in game until he wasnt kicked he would continue that surely , dying on purpose at the votekick . intended , advised opponents not to wait for 5th player ( he said it few seconds after votekicking was possible) just have faster leavergold for enemy team in 90% cases its certain win for team having leavergold in early game.
I'm not going to feed enemy in time votekick. An enemy tank came too close to the tower and i think we 2 kill him. We almost got.
If you are dissatisfied with the system of balancing leaving players - discuss this with the developers.
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=758 nostralias (2)
..... ridiculous
http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=5747 FlYAwaySoHigh (2)
reason: flame, unsocial behavior
( FlYAwaySoHigh = El_Polacco )
really? polacco told nostralias (about Drunk_addict ):
[07:57] [flyawaysohigh]: provoke him i report him
polacco always try to votekick someone if there is a chance to kick
polacco always blame his team for every mistakes
polacco always expect help if he can't hold lane,even if he lost his lane >>> its not his fault
polacco always expect early armor upgrades,even his team will spend/waste all their gold for upgrades + if he don't get it he always start to cry
His behavior is like heavy team sabotage