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Silly or not?
Hi Ice,

first of all i have to say i wrote my post in a heavy bad mood...amd i would have liked to wirte this in a private message but u disabled that feature...

But i have to say that giving a bad reputation isn't what u should do, especially the reason is - lets say - "useless"...

But with watching the replay i can understand why u think u did all u can und u deserve telling us noobs...

So plz accept my apologize for playing a very bad game and giving u the rank of a dickhead...sorry

Messages In This Thread
Silly or not? - by cpu - 2012-09-16, 21:04:03
RE: Silly or not? - by ICE2607 - 2012-09-16, 21:21:51
RE: Silly or not? - by ICE2607 - 2012-09-16, 23:05:45
RE: Silly or not? - by cpu - 2012-09-22, 13:07:46

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