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Defuser is it worth it?

Just a questions/suggestions to some who are interested in the Defuser item.

Does the Defuser work fine for Mines?
Yes but...
I like how it works but not the feedback i get. Just crazy "!" popups. and i do not even know what they are for (is there something? or not? where exactly?).
I guess the feedback of how many mines you currently exploded (if possible) would be great. In a big minefield its confusing enough how it is right now. ^^

Does the Defuser work for Exploders?
No. Fact is that a good Tinker exploder has enough porter range and a well timing you will never get him without a porter. A teleport breaker is 1000 times better. it catched not only the exploder also other teleporters. its much cheaper. ok sometimes you need more then 1 breaker becouse it gets destroyed by exploder, duration or becouse its not placed well. but the defuser is a waste of money on a exploder game when there are no other mines which are a big threat.

Do you think about a change in the future? Some suggestions needed from community side? I think it would be great to have at least a chance getting the exploder defused. but not too easy so hes completely out of game.

Messages In This Thread
Defuser is it worth it? - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-10, 17:53:18
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Exodus - 2013-07-10, 18:20:30
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Prog - 2013-07-10, 18:44:49
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by RaptorXI - 2013-07-10, 19:24:19
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-10, 21:09:15
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Prog - 2013-07-10, 22:34:24
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-10, 23:06:59
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Prog - 2013-07-11, 00:27:12
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Exodus - 2013-07-11, 01:53:54
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by UnifiedDoom - 2013-07-11, 02:10:02
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Prog - 2013-07-11, 13:17:13
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Exodus - 2013-07-11, 13:45:14
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by Prog - 2013-07-11, 13:49:08
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by 091846 - 2013-07-11, 09:59:44
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by gozo1985 - 2013-07-11, 11:39:20
RE: Defuser is it worth it? - by 091846 - 2013-07-11, 15:23:47

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