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Hum yeah, maybe i didn't make myself clear and I gave a bad name to the thread.

The biggest problem I find in nets is that it can inactive all dps of an air tank and "active" some dps of a ground tank (flak/bombs ; axes). Thing you can't do with an air tank. And then you can be 1vs1 with a 0 dps tank vs a 4k dps just with 200g spent on net to get 1k bounty. That's why I suggested tornado but something better would be to change inactivation of weapons when an air tanks are on nets imo.

Messages In This Thread
Tornado - by Max - 2013-11-24, 21:26:59
RE: Tornado - by Flygplan - 2013-11-27, 12:04:17
RE: Tornado - by Max - 2013-11-28, 17:51:25
RE: Tornado - by Flygplan - 2013-11-29, 00:08:34

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