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Warcraft 3 control losing bug
As you might have experience, you have sometimes completely lost control over your tank for some reason during the game.

This is a hardcoded bug which makes you lose the control of a unit completely.
This are the symptomatics as Kueken found actually:
Kueken (at Wrote:-The unit does not respond to orders immediately, but will carry out the current order no matter what.
-the next order will be executed, after the current order is done (basically as if you hold shift, but not entirely, because unlike when holding shift only the last given order before finishing the current order will be queued)
-this seems to be permanent, even for all orders you follow up with.
-if you give a permanent order (like "move" on an allied unit), you lost your control completely, since the current order will never be finished, thus no new order queued.
-if the unit is paused and unpaused and given a "stop" order inbetween (the currently used method to "savely" cancel a unit's current order), it will remember its orders after unpausing and continue it.
-however, allied players with shared control do not suffer the control loss and can move your unit at will.

fix this problem as a player by pressing shift once or holding shift and give an order then release it.

Messages In This Thread
Warcraft 3 control losing bug - by TKF - 2009-10-10, 13:26:24

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