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suggestion list
1. add a random tank shortcut key
2. take away the spell magic resistance of the scout
3. modify rune carving to make it heal and damage more @ higher levels and/or make the created ones manipulaed upon creation
4. put all single player cheat commands like -gold into the info(F9) menu
5. replace hold position tank ability with -buy ability (a tank could theoretically buy the item from the junkyard on ebay and then it could be fed-exed to his tank 1 minute later), OR add 2 C.P.s, one for each junkyard, and let the team controlling that C.P. buy from him, OR make only 1 junkyard near the center of map that anyone can buy from
6. make Update cost less gold (around 500)
7. make tinker's towers use creep upraded weapons and armor, OR give him a higher level than 5 for that ability to go to with stronger towers later on, OR make a weapon that targets seige damage units only, OR let tinker create tower ruins.
8. make detector last ten minutes
9. make an ultimate gold hull or titanium hull blue print
10. make all mid weapons blue prints and make them slightly higher damage per gold then the base weapons
11. give bounty for killing all summoned creeps like treants, lavaspawns, etc...
12. put info of what is magical and what is normal damage in the game somewhere.
13. make a 2nd mine diffusal pack with a larger AOE and a larger casting range.
14. make a single player league
15. fix the demolisher's artiller sot and its ultimate hotkey for the english version.
16. switch the tinker's ult to morph into the goblin tank and add a new tank for under 3k. (make a lot more tanks for under 3k so that randoming is more random)
17. put armor requirement fon for all tanks in normal mode
18. increase the mana regen rate of T.C.C.
19. give the T.C.C. goblin riots.
20. let tech mech place factories and T.C.C.
21. allow in base teleporting for oposing team once the two lazer tower have been destroyed for that section of the base. if one is replaced, disable it again.
22. Assign some one to host a mandatory league tournament that most be played in once a week to be number 1 for each realm.
23. if u exchange goods for items from trademaster let the trader also earn the appropriate xp and lumber in addition to the good.
24. make speed boost available for trade at the trade master. then take speed pack off and add siege pack for the trade master also.
25. allow kalimdor league accounts to be created.
26. make make detectors and T.P. breakers destroyable with the mine diffusal pack.
27, make a really bad ass custom load screen.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
I thought spell resistance is gone for loong :o
I think some of the ideas are good. Some new Tanks would be good to avoid Light Tank vs Light Tank or those battles :wink:
Weltuntergang. Na und?
Die Sonne geht doch auch jeden Tag unter.
qweqqweq Wrote:25. allow kalimdor league accounts to be created.

Do you mean its not possible to create accounts on kalimdor? Because this is of course not intended.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Exodus Wrote:
qweqqweq Wrote:25. allow kalimdor league accounts to be created.

Do you mean its not possible to create accounts on kalimdor? Because this is of course not intended.
Nope i didn't work I tried. No wonder why there is 0 players, i didn't understand when a random dude whined about it's not possible to play league on kalimdoor without properly telling why. I know why now. It was not possible to register....

Tell us when this is fixed
Ok, the bug is fixed now. You can now register for the Kalimdor league. I'm just wondering why it took so long until somenone actually said that its not working ...
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
28. i can't see on the load screen again. have some one check that before releasing new versions in the future
29 make deathmatch mode. first to 3, 5, 10 kills, etc
30. make a seperate 1vs1 deathmatch mode league.
31. decrease the bounty given by exploder and explosives when he dies to 0 or at least half. or find some way of making the exploder playable. or tell me how he can be useful against skilled opponents.
32. please tell me what hurts a banished tank and what doesn't and what is a normal attack and what is a magic attack? otherwise i've got a lot of checking to do (i thought i'd figured it out till i noticed my swarm rockets hitting a banished sky tank).
33. make league tournaments which give double league points to game winners to encourage good competition and rivalry.
34. allow -cancelleague during the first 3 minutes of the game time so we can keep playing without having to worry about other team not cancelling and submitting a code when there's a leaver or some one is lagging.
35. puase all creeps for at least 10 seconds after the host picks the mode for all players to pick tanks, choose lanes, discuss strategy, type in game comands, and read the game mode. (public games aren't so fun with 4 noob tinkers in the center lane with no hull and machine guns and i'd like a little time to be able to bitch the retards out a bit)
36. display the game mode in the center of the map so players can read it easier.

(i still think the junkyard's almost useless because it takes too long to get over there and buy anything from it.)
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
qweqqweq Wrote:31. decrease the bounty given by exploder and explosives when he dies to 0 or at least half. or find some way of making the exploder playable. or tell me how he can be useful against skilled opponents.

I've found that the exploder is quite useful against just about anyone, but it takes practice and a good eye for how far your explosives will reach. Reducing the bounty would take away just about it's only disadvantage, and if you miss there needs to be a penalty.

qweqqweq Wrote:32. please tell me what hurts a banished tank and what doesn't and what is a normal attack and what is a magic attack? otherwise i've got a lot of checking to do (i thought i'd figured it out till i noticed my swarm rockets hitting a banished sky tank).

All weapons and abilities are considered magic attacks because all weapons use the phoenix fire thing (I don't really understand how this works, just that it does) and all creeps and towers are considered physical attacks. This basically means that tank stuff does more damage, creep stuff does none.

qweqqweq Wrote:34. allow -cancelleague during the first 3 minutes of the game time so we can keep playing without having to worry about other team not cancelling and submitting a code when there's a leaver or some one is lagging.

This has been suggested several times, and I can't remember if a two minute limit was applied before (I know I saw a discussion about it, but can't remember the details) and if it isn't in the game right now it really should be. The only problem with it is if someone decides to mess with everyone and just cancel the league when everything is fine.

qweqqweq Wrote:(i still think the junkyard's almost useless because it takes too long to get over there and buy anything from it.)

The junkyard isn't useless as long as there's something you need...a little extra time is worth the discount.
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.
hmmmm, i have so much to say that i've been holding in. it takes me around 1/2 hour just to post 1 or 2 things in this forum that i'm just going to put everything i wanna contribute to any topic in this post. Smile whoever and anyone who admins this shit, my shit is really fucked up btw!!! i get a lot of server errors now and messages that end in, "please try again in a few minutes". "a lot" is an understatement. if u can fix it so i can post easier i'll try my best to not go back to my old drunken post whatever i was feeling ways which got everyone so pissed at me. i understand i was being an ass and i've said this before, but i'll say it again: I definately deserved the punishment but i'd still apreciate and respect a second chance. sorry if i get the suggestion numbers mixed up, due to my huge disadvantage at posting here it's hard for me to edit my posts, if i can i will though.

ok then, here goes THE LIST first and foremost which is what seems to be the most influential thing i've contributed to the btanks comunity thus far. lemme just comment on my previous list this time please, refer to my previous posts for the origional suggestions, i'll just coment on my earlier list suggestion numbers this time since i don't feel like re-doing the whole entier list right now:

1. you did it, tySmile
2. cancelled
3. u did it, tySmile
4. u did it, tySmile
5. i still suggest invinceble fed-ex mechs and/or auction off items after a certaine time period (maybe 10 min) the auction items was a new idea i just thought of which i hope will help. ((maybe after 10 min remove the item from the game/junkyard and give the gold value of the item to the force, or if u are in love with this idea u could make the item go to a random base tower which would be crazy but interesting. all my off the wall suggestions thus far have been sumarily rejected but my gut says that this one is worth some merit. if u added some items to the towers you'd need triggers like,
event: every x seconds use troop comand or orbital bombardment etc... if enemy units are in range of xxx from point...
lol this would be extremely hard to put in the game i think though. so i'm sure not worth the effort at this point. but u could consider it.)) i read all the posts that u wrote about this exo and other people and i still think i'm right about this. i've played a lot of btanks in all realms now and i still think that the junkyard needs modding. (((when i say i played a lot of games in all realms i mean: I PLAYED A LOT!!!!)))
6. did u change it?
7. noobs play and love tinkers imo. i know a guy who plays only tinker for a year now despite me banning him. he made a new account to play only tinker with!!! tinkers' towers are the only built/summoned unit to not b benefit from creep upgrades. you can't deny the fun level of tinker when you have a only tinker modeSmile
8. u did ( sorrt of)Smile
9. ...
12... u didSmile
13. still needed greatly imo.
14. still needed greatly imo.
15. artillery shot is still a mjor flaw imo. people constantly think opponents are hacking when u click right after u use it and no damage occurs. at least 1 other spell is like this but not as bad.
16. still an idea.
17. still much needed imo. btw: i thinkg the frost robot's ult needs to do more dps!!!
18. ???
19. why don't u so i can ust it up close? or an artillery battery like t.k.f. suggested would be hella cool imo.
20. this would require some triggers but would beyond cool imo.
21. think about it?
22. you guys are smart, i hope u can get tournaments/tournaments going
23. did u?
24. did u?
25. u fixed tySmile the reason was not many duded play btanks in kalimdor
26. still a good idea imo
28 good so far
29 do it please!!!Smile
30 do it please!!!Smile
31 i've gone to other realms and learned exploder now. it's a good tank and almost invaluable in some situations. however leveleing of player using explosives is still too low imo.
32. u did it. Smile
33. please?
34. u did it tySmile
35. i still want thisSmile
36. still would be cool imoSmile

ok. Smile that takes care of the old list. now for the new one. my new list is:

37. put in the changelog that u upgraded the mortar teams's range in the t.c.c. and who knows what else cause i dont' care to check's range
38. add more end game VARIETY. shortening the end game would be cool i guess. i'm not sure about that. seems like game length is about where it should be though imo. but please just make it more about choices.

hmmm, now for u

please tell me what i did that was so bad. i don't remember for sure. i don't think i said anything bad.. u keep saying i did something really bad but u won't tell me what. i was drunk off my ass but i still don't remember loosing control of mystelf. if i did i apologize but u say u got a screenshot of something bad i typed. (it's probly not a good sign of your character if u really did screenshot something i typed though) please post it here so we all can see. it wouldn't be the first time i've gotten out of line and maybe not the last. I'm eager to rejoin clan btow. but first i either need to see this supposed screenshot so i can see my error and properly apologize or else u need to apologise for making something u made up

sometimes i like to do what i call a pub stomp where we go for a quick win, but usually i prefer to play on teams where my chances to witn are 1 to 49 percent to win. really seams to hate to play btanks unless he's on a team he thinks will win. please explain yourself here about this opinion of mine if u wish bennie.

that's my new clan websight. imo it's invaluable to any btanks playerSmile
if u join clan bt of lordaeron and go there u will get invaluable btanks knowledge. it's the holy grail of btanks wisdom imo. there is a public topic about btanks hosting bots that we're working on. i'm currently still not using it though because i'm having trouble modifying my ghost bot config file atm.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
As i am a bastard, my whole team would manage to use the invincible fed ex machin as a wall to block cp :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
All your suggestions will never happen. Though some of them sounded reasonable, much of them sounds insane. Mapper decides what's good or not.

5. lol. Hold position will probably remain

13. Unlikely. You already have a cheap defuse kit ingame.

14. Never

15. ofc you can't move until you have landed a hit.

17. This is accessible through custom game selection

20. If tech mech could place factories, he would fire weapons he carries in inventory

21. (beta)

22. Trader won't earn xp and lumber when trading to get goods

26. (beta)

27. That would increase filesize unnecesary significantly, altough the mapper has actually considered this seriously, we'll see.

29. ....

30. Won't happen

31. Bounty follows the standard rules

36. That do appear after 2 minutes. If you miss it you're blind
Good morning , good evening , good afternoon , good night to all...
i like the old mode of upgrading...when we just click onto an item and then the item was upgrading..
All the gun can be upgraded like this...
for example the 6666 gun would be nice to be upgradeable...
also should be mines that cost 20.000 gold and make 20k fight against titans...not only exploder being happy with 8.55 version..
and a last opinion..version 8.55 is hard to coplete now..a game can easily last 3-4 hours...
its boringggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...
all titan and 4frosts with ulti-packs etc..4 lasers to the center are TOO MUCH...
Well you implies that the games are to tied up, well that might be correct. It's hard to know what changes must be done (or undone) to create a better tipping edge to prevent 2-3 hour games. I think the 20k mines is overkill.

The upgrade of change weapon items was suggested earlier in this forum, but it was back then rejected cuz it would make more people choose the special weapons. Special weapons with change weapon mode will stay, cuz it's awesome 8)
yes 20k dmg mines are totally overkill! remember 3% more dmg/attack upgrade!
that means 600 dmg more per upgrade, so for example on attack upgrade level 25 they do 20k dmg + 15k dmg, which will instantly kill a titan...
i dont know what is the correct damage..
but as i see the little exploder to kill titan..what about mines???
also..guns all should be specials..all should be doubled-damage by upgrade with one click onto them..
here's a new list for you!!! happy birthday exodus!!! Smile

1. modify the junkyard system somehow. make all items older than .5 hours be removed from the game. and do 1 of the following:

a. replace hold position tank ability with -buy ability (a tank could theoretically buy the item from the junkyard on ebay and then it could be sent to his tank by an invulnerable force unit with no



b. make it so that you can cp tp to your own junkyard

2. make Update cost less gold (around 500)

3. remove tinker from the game or put a warning about how much tinker sucks for noobs when purchased (warning dissabled by typing "notips")

4. make an ultimate hull or titanium hull blue print that combines one of each hull (all upgraded).

5. Exodus, can you please make just 1 end-game weapon blueprint? man that would be so awesome! Most people are stupid idiots (me included) who fucking love combining items for some reason. it's so fun


6. give bounty for killing all summoned creeps like treants, lavaspawns, etc...

7. put info of what is magical and what is normal damage whenever tanks with abilities that affect different types are purchased like guard, heavy tank, demon tank, goblin tanks, earth tank, sky fortress,

etc. (info dissabled by typing "notips")

8. make a single player league

9. make all channeling spells say: "channeling" or else make them not channeling anymore, esp the demolisher's artillery shot

10. switch the tinker's ult to morph into the goblin tank and add a new tank for under 3k. (make a lot more tanks for under 3k so that randoming is more random)

11. increase range of the bomb for t.c.c. so it can reach enemy base's artillery factory from the first two neutral lazer tower ruins.

12. let tech mech place factories and T.C.C.

13. allow in base teleporting for oposing team once the two lazer tower have been destroyed for that section of the base. if one is replaced, disable it again. or give some kind of advantage for having

all their base factories killed that lets end the game faster. making it so that the artillery factory is the game ending building was smart. however players can still place factory spawners back near

the old end game building which sort of helps defeat the purpose.

14. nerf the shit out of the trader. it would be cool to make hunting the trader much more rewarding like with tripple xp and gold gain or something.

15, make a really bad ass custom load screen. (horselance wtf man? will any of us still be alive when you finish your masterpiece? you know it doesn't have to be perfect, you can always make it better

after it's done you know)

16. make deathmatch mode. first to 3, 5, 10 kills, etc

17. please for the love of god remove explosives from the game or at least dissable purchasing them in no exploder mode.

18. put a special message when exploder, explosives, or mines are purchased waring noobs that they are best used as support items and are usually best used on teams with greater numbers (warning dissabled

by typing "notips")

19. make league tournaments which give double league points to game winners to encourage good competition and rivalry.

20. puase all creeps for at least 30 seconds after the host picks the mode for all players to pick tanks, choose lanes, discuss strategy, type in game comands, and read the game mode. (public games aren't

so fun with 4 noob tinkers in the center lane with no hull and machine guns and i'd like a little time to at least cover all three lanes)

21. display the game mode in the center of the map so players can read it easier. if you make it a quest update message i think it'll be much more visable. right now it shows up on the left of the screen

and is often covered up by players typing gl, hf, -e, -zoom xxxx, etc..

22. in base cp tp is overpowered with explosives. please do something about it.

23. This may seem silly but could you make game mode text have their first letters Capitalized and underlined to encourage noobs to put the right game mode in the game name like an underlined "F" "O" and

"W" for "Fog Of War". some of us don't like being suprised by Weak Creeps and Fog Of War and this might help. maybe more people will make game names like "btanks 3k TO WO HB FOW WC" (tinker only Weapons

only, high bounty, fog of war, weak creeps) and then i'll know not to join it.

24. Add -cd (resets all cool downs and restores health to 100%) and -tp (adds 0 mana blink ability with global range to tank) cheat comands for single player mode

25. make it so that you can't target the research center with spells.

26. Add info about how force gold works in the map so noobs can learn to not suck faster.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
pretty good list

It makes me sad that everyone hates my exploder, lol. And I take support role beyond the normal, lol
wow all points in the listBig Grin nothing more to add
First post here, so …uhm… yay! \o/

qweqqweq Wrote:2. make Update cost less gold (around 500)
I don’t see the real advantage of this. I think the balance is quite good right now.

qweqqweq Wrote:3. remove tinker from the game or put a warning about how much tinker sucks for noobs when purchased (warning dissabled by typing "notips")
Seriously… If you don’t like noobs in your team, don’t play public games…

qweqqweq Wrote:6. give bounty for killing all summoned creeps like treants, lavaspawns, etc...
Only low bounty as for troop command creeps, please.

qweqqweq Wrote:10. switch the tinker's ult to morph into the goblin tank and add a new tank for under 3k. (make a lot more tanks for under 3k so that randoming is more random)
Yes to the new tank. No to changing the tinker’s ultimate into morphing to goblin tank. Getting a 6500 gold tank for free is ridiculous.

qweqqweq Wrote:11. increase range of the bomb for t.c.c. so it can reach enemy base's artil-lery factory from the first two neutral lazer tower ruins.
I don’t agree with that. It would penalize the defending team too much.

qweqqweq Wrote:14. nerf the shit out of the trader. it would be cool to make hunting the trader much more rewarding like with tripple xp and gold gain or something.
I think the trader is too easy to kill for such a bonus. And I think no one would play trader any-more with that change, because it’s not worth the effort.

qweqqweq Wrote:16. make deathmatch mode. first to 3, 5, 10 kills, etc
No. There are already too many modes. Do you know how hard it is to find a normal public game?

qweqqweq Wrote:22. in base cp tp is overpowered with explosives. please do something about it.
What do you mean? Teleporting from one side in your base to the other to explode near an enemy inside your base? Your idea would shorten the endgame, but I like it the way it is right now.

And for my own suggestions:

I’d like to see a tank priced 6,5k to 10k that is better against air, than the current tanks for that price are.


Make a buyable net launcher for about 3,5k gold with 50s cd, 900 range and 3s duration or something like that.
Quote:qweqqweq wrote:10. switch the tinker's ult to morph into the goblin tank and add a new tank for under 3k. (make a lot more tanks for under 3k so that randoming is more random)

Yes to the new tank. No to changing the tinker’s ultimate into morphing to goblin tank. Getting a 6500 gold tank for free is ridiculous.

the tinker should not morph into the goblin tank which you can buy in btanks.
it morphs into a "little" goblin tank with less hp and weaker skills than the normal goblintank
it's like the original ultimate skill of the w3's tinker hero

Quote: qweqqweq hat geschrieben:6. give bounty for killing all summoned creeps like treants, lavaspawns, etc...

Only low bounty as for troop command creeps, please.

i'd like to see experience and bounty given for passive and active summoned creeps
for lava spawns, trees, deads, .. 24exp because they are "special" creeps which differ from the normal wave creeps
or otherwise make them give the same amount of exp like the aura creeps(not sure how much exp they give)

Quote: qweqqweq hat geschrieben:11. increase range of the bomb for t.c.c. so it can reach enemy base's artil-lery factory from the first two neutral lazer tower ruins.

I don’t agree with that. It would penalize the defending team too much.

i'd like to see this too
in my opinion the range is too less because you have to build the tcc between the inbase rocket and laser tower ruins to hit the a-factory
and if you can defend a tcc there for the time it needs to save 1k mana you dont need the bomb, then you could kill the other team the traditional way

OR implement that the tcc keeps the mana stored when packing and rebuilding, so you can save mana at a same place
(might be too imba "save 1k mana - build it - summon bomb" so how about saving 50% of the mana, or saving mana for 30 seconds so you have to rebuilt it quikly)

Quote:qweqqweq hat geschrieben:16. make deathmatch mode. first to 3, 5, 10 kills, etc

No. There are already too many modes. Do you know how hard it is to find a normal public game?

just remove "only weapons" and add deathmatch instead. i never saw anyone playing only weapons

Quote:And for my own suggestions:

I’d like to see a tank priced 6,5k to 10k that is better against air, than the current tanks for that price are.


Make a buyable net launcher for about 3,5k gold with 50s cd, 900 range and 3s duration or something like that.

yee more tanks! no matter which ones, just more variety - there are so many ideas in the suggestion forum

buyable net launcher will need many tests and versions to be balanced well, but i'd like it too

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