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Why DC during loadscreen if my connection was perfect.
Hi i got dc from a game:
during loading of the map.
My connection was perfect, i checked the graphs on my modem softwere. The graphs were almost constant.
Maybe u guys know why i got dc?
And also please, if possible remove the penalty.

Quote:Why DC during loadscreen if my connection was perfect.

it wasn't :p
(2012-08-08, 08:45:58)stibi- Wrote:
Quote:Why DC during loadscreen if my connection was perfect.

it wasn't :p

Exactly what i wanted to say :-P.

[Wed Aug  8 02:21:23 2012] [GAME: BTanks League RANKED #32210] started loading with 10 players
[Wed Aug  8 02:21:53 2012] [GAME: BTanks League RANKED #32210] deleting player [progg.]: has lost the connection (timed out)
[Wed Aug  8 02:22:24 2012] [GAME: BTanks League RANKED #32210] finished loading with 9 players
but I checke the graphs and there were no distonection from internet. also after end map points screen i came back to ergo i didn't lose connection. bsides grpoxy starts protection when game start loading and i always use gproxy. so why after 10 seconds of loading screen i just saw end map screen? doesn't seem logic to me.
In your router you just monitor the first hop. You can just see if you are connected to your providers network.
But your provider may have problems or a transit network or or or .......
There are a many hops (between your PC and the destination) which may cause problems.
I understand that. But everytime when i really DC i come back to W3 start screen. I have to login again etc. This time i just came back to main screen. This means i didn't DC with Also grpoxy should react if it starts working when map loads.
#7 and league are different servers -> differen routes.
And even if you have two connections to the same server, one connection may drop and the other persists - welcome to the internet Wink.

I think gproxy only works when the game is running. But i have never tested or checked this point.
There's a msg "discontect protection started" when game starts loading.

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