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Full Version: lost stay percentage without leave...
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finished this game:
penalty said -1.00 and couldnt join the next game. after joining qualify bot told me i have less then 84% stay oO - buuuuuuuuuug
joined a qualify finished it.. still not possible joining ranked..... oO
played another qualify ... now i have 89% stay rate and can join again.. funny
Yes, math is totally funny :-P. You know what the average is?

1. 100%
2. 0%
3. 100%
4. 100%
average: 3/4

1. 100%
2. 100%
3. 0%
4. 100%
average: 3/4 - must be magic.
dont you think its magic finishing a ranked game and losing average stay so you cant join the next game... i have no problem with that i thought you taking that a bit more serious as it seems its a bug Tongue
Actually the penality -1 is kinda annoying. We are supposed to wait the bot to cut the game?
The stay is refreshed when the game is over. When you leave a ranked game when the base is down and join the next game, the old game may not have finished yet.

Blacklisted players (with penalty >100) are updated every 30 minutes.
ah ok so its possible being blacklisted and joining a game... maybe thats it but i havent quit a ranked game since 2 or 3 weeks so seems like its something strange going on. or do i get also penalty if a quit qualify games? becouse sometimes i leave them to join a nearly full ranked game. if thats a reason ill stop that
Your stay will decrease if you leave a quali game, but your penalty won't increase.