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Full Version: Qualify (ranked?) game mode
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Since there are not a lot of players playing w3 and it's almost impossible to play a btanks w/o this bot, I wondered why qualify are always league mode. There are a lot of possibilities to play different games in this map so it's a big shame that we can only play one mode.

I can understand that in ranked a single mode is necessary, first for stats etc. And I think this could also been discussed... But in qualify...

You will say we can choose in beta... But first no more beta are running those days. And secondly there are beta 10 weeks a year running.
And I played some beta with other mode than league, never any player have complained about this.
How about making a vote for mode picking? Or just red pick as always.

This have already been discussed I know but I really don't see any good reason for making all qualify as league mode. Or just disable all other modes so there won't be any problem with that...
I would like to play other modes on the league bots, too.