Official Battle Tanks Community

Full Version: no false promises... any German speaking C++ coder here?
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Hello there, I wont make false promises. I started with the Unreal Engine few month ago, made some tiny games, but i am not as experienced in C++ to make something like Btanks, at least without someone experienced is there.

As you see, my English is pretty bad, so i'd prefer a German speaking person with c++ and Unreal experiences. I wrote down some concepts, and modelled the first tank, 1 building, atm just for luls. Made me asking myself, why not? I went very sick, cant work in a regular job so....why not...

anyone here?
Unrea Engine, huh? Why don't you go with Blueprints, since that's what most developers tend to use in Unreal. You can code c++ as well, yes, but you'll need some deep insight within C++ to make it effecient as well as free of memory leaks. i prefer Unity3D and am currently looking into that new Engine from Amazon.

what's up?
Hmmm i never tried unity before but downloaded it now and try it out =)
unity offers an asset store with many free assets, which you might need at some point. if you lack knowledge of multiplayer based programming, you could check the SteamAPI for some protocol as well as client-server architecture. while communication between all clients is one of the biggest issues, finding free assets or the likes is just as much. build your code in a module way, so each action can be achieved by local input as well as external input with the exact same result. you could go with some kind of ticket system or simply route all actions into a global queue, available for everyone.

for beginners, try to get a Cube A fire a Cube X to Cube B. then advance to target every Cube of a certain Type . always keep a reasonable perspective to input your actions into a protocol. if it was just some local 5 vs 5, singleplayer based game, you could implement it within a few weeks.