Official Battle Tanks Community

Full Version: BT died?
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Hi Guys,

I am playing in BT for many years and last several years used games generated by the host . But since several weaks the host does not generate new games. Why? What is alternative to play BT games without whis host?

Thanks an lot,
a few months ago the hoster changes of both the forums and the bots. we haven't heard much of them ourselves. the easiest way to play the game would be hosting it yourself or setting up some host bot yourself, which isn't as hard anymore tbh. furthermore you could create a new clan for bt or just name a server:channel on these forums and promote it to get people together so even some self-hosted games can be found. no more qualify/ranked this way anymore, but at least some playable games.

once we'll actually get any news from the new hosters, i hope we may fix the actual issue though.