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[8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Printable Version

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[8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-17

If a tank (like light tank or heavy tank) uses the ability [mini rocket] on a tank (for example demon tank) and the demon tank teles away by useing item "teleport" then the missile wont hit the target.Is it a BT bug or is it the problem of WC3?Or is it meant to be so?That it is not a bug?Like it just misses?

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Althend - 2009-06-17

Doomhammer112 Wrote:If a tank (like light tank or heavy tank) uses the ability [mini rocket] on a tank (for example demon tank) and the demon tank teles away by useing item "teleport" then the missile wont hit the target.Is it a BT bug or is it the problem of WC3?Or is it meant to be so?That it is not a bug?Like it just misses?

I think it is nice as it is. ^_^

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - BENNIE.FM - 2009-06-17

i see this to much i doubt its a bug i think its just away of avoiding being nukedSmile but im not totally sure but this trick or (bug) has been since i started playing

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-17

Yes I have seen it all the time.Now the question is : can it be fixed or is it a problem of WC3?Also we can accept that it can be this way like Althend said he is already happy with it.Like the missile will miss.

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-17

If i could say I really don't like that it misses.I use this spell like it will hit the target always (that it has no change to miss as the hail of bombs).I'm not sure how other people think about it.Should it miss or not?So I ask from everybody who reads this post what do you think of it.

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Prog - 2009-06-17

It's not a bug, it's a normal wc3 feature which you can see quite often from good warden players. You can also dodge a targeted skill by using smoke, which is a wc3 feature as well as you can see at the blademaster. etc.

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Gammagulp - 2009-06-17

Well then I should give the smoke generator another try Smile

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-17

I thought that. So this thing cannot be changed? I mean is it impossible?

Re: [8.60] Useing tele and missile spell. - horselance - 2009-06-17

Probably yes. It is impossible..