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[8.60] No kill gold shown - Printable Version

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[8.60] No kill gold shown - Gammagulp - 2009-06-11

Sometimes when I kill creeps or whatever there is no "+gold" going up over the killed unit. The first times I thought I am not killing the unit, but it also happens when I am alone in the field killing several creeps, maybe with ultimate or what. I wonder if i get the money of the units which didnt show me gold numbers.

Does someone else experienced it ?

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Althend - 2009-06-11

I never had it with creepsConfused

Witch tank did you use? Kill by skills?

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Dr.McNinja - 2009-06-11

Im very sure of it happening to both heroes and creeps. It might have something with the wc3 engine, possibly when it is in the corner of the screen or when you are scrolling fast. I dunno, but i notice it and over time ive noticed many times. It only bugs me momentarily.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - TKF - 2009-06-11

But when that happen, check if you do get the gold anyways. It using triggered floating text instead of bounty.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - BENNIE.FM - 2009-06-12

ow ok well i just thought i was seeing things but i see gamma has experienced it as well.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-12

I have also killed heros and haven't seen the gold writen by golden colors at the up of hes/shes tank but I have always got all the gold when I have killed somebody.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Gammagulp - 2009-06-12

Well i just recognised by killing groups of creeps in the field with high dps weapons very fast. I didnt experienced it with heros yet - I will try to save a replay or reproduce it in single player soon - maybe 30k lvl1 ^^

I dont know if it has something to do with WC3 engine, because I never got that bug before 8.58 or 8.59. If I will receive all the money I could live with it Tongue

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - horselance - 2009-06-13

I think it happens when you kill smth and scroll over it after you kill, there is no bounty over it. Floating texts sometimes does not generate if you are not looking at it when it is created.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-18

I don't remember scrolling over it after the kill. And if it has been a few times I don't think so.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Gammagulp - 2009-06-18

I dont think thats the problem. When I kill a tower while I am at another position at the map and nearly instant click back I see the bounty too. Also it doesnt appear in versions before 8.59 i think.

Re: [8.60] No kill gold shown - Doomhammer112 - 2009-06-18

So the bug is only in version 8.59 and 8.60?