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Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Printable Version

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Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Orthodox - 2009-05-11

I´m sorry but I have no replays to show, but hopefully you can understand my problem...
I am often playing the Exploder. Well, at a normal situation, I would first teleport to an enemy, and after that directly stun it to explode.

So my Porblem now is, when I first hit the teleport- buton, and after that the stunnig-button, my Exploder first do the stun, and after e few seconds do the teleport without any others actions of me. Time enough for the enemy to escape. and after that stun, I am not able to teleport in another direction, because it´s doing automaticallyConfusedhock:

it happend now in two public- games, and in many privat-games for testing.
First I thought I was hitting the wrong buttons (stun/teleport), but I don´t !!

So, hopefully you can help outSmile

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - horselance - 2009-05-11

This is not a bug of exploder.
You press two keys too quick, Teleport needs to face that direction first. But before you face that direction, you press other ability so you use it because tp is canceled by second command.
Try to press them in a better timing and/or face the direction first to use tp faster.

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - qweqqweq - 2009-05-11

i try to advance time what I can. if i play with 0 second delay when i host i can click out my second action like a stun after a teleport in near real time. but if i'm not hosting then i'll test my delay at the start of the game by clicking to the left or right and counting the time until my tank changes the direction. once i know how long my delay is then i'll know how long untill my actions will register with the host. Sometimes i just click 1 to 3 buttons 100 times untill they all register. You have to remember also that if you're playing against a real good player they'll stun you right after you teleport before you can stun them sometimes in which case you'll have to re-click out all your actions. There is nothing you can do about lag spikes though. If you get a lag spike you're tank will just sit there and make you look like an idiot.

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - BENNIE.FM - 2009-05-11

wow i don't think you can even think this much about strategy i just play and hope for luck :roll: mind you im the ultimate lagger

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Dr.McNinja - 2009-05-11

In performing combos with multiple skills/actions, you just need to press the hotkeys in good timing rather than based on how much delay you have, only the first action will matter. You teleport (e.g. 3 sec delay) but you just use 2nd skill quickly after even if you havent actually teleported (delay)... - 2nd skill in relation to first skill, not based on delay. I no longer have this problem with combos.

Delay for placing teleport, skill in timing for 2nd ability when there is a lot of delay. It doesnt happen with instant casting spells though, like heavy tank ult.

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Orthodox - 2009-05-12

ok, thanks for reports!Smile

I´ll try to figure out, if it was my delay or something else.

it was just surprising me, because I recognize it in the latest version! all other versions before ( and i was playing the exploder many many times before :mrgreen: ) it worked out without any problems :?

anyways, I´ll post again, if I recognize something againSmile

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Orthodox - 2009-05-16

Ok, I was testing my Problems with the Exploder now for 3 Days in public and privat games. It is not happening that often, but I recognized that with reaching the level 7 these problems getting started.

It doesn´t matter, if I am looking in the direction I want to tp or not, in each way the problem occure with doing the stun first and then the teleport.
I was also trying to wait at bit longer between these two actions, but it is always the same!!!

And it is not te delay stuff ether, because every game I was testing it I got pings about 22 - 40.

so, what else could it be?

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Gammagulp - 2009-05-18

When you get Lvl 7 und can first take abilities up to lvl 3.

Could it be, that the teleport lvl 3 got some ... delay ? .... (like infernal teleport) and so if you use stun while this casting delay occurs - the stun comes and after that the teleport delay is ended and the teleport begins.

(It would fit to some other bug i experienced - the catapult (artillerie) shot of the demolisher got a "green" casting illumiation at maximum range and it didnt shot while i wanted to kille some tinkerSmile, but I dont post it because i forgot to save a replay :mrgreen: (it happend twice and was fixed when i died))

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Orthodox - 2009-05-18

well, it could be that delay of the tp, but it occered although later, when I got higher level, so it begins at level 7.

Re: Exploder- bug on 8.59 ? - Orthodox - 2009-05-24

hm.... any other sugesstions? my problem ist still there! :cry: