Official Battle Tanks Community
Bombing Bays Item/Weapon - Printable Version

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Bombing Bays Item/Weapon - Dr.McNinja - 2009-04-21

Bombing Bays item adds 'a bomb bay' to aircraft only.
Range: Melee (100-200)
Damage: Googly
CD: Almost Googly
Projectile Speed: SLOOOOW well not that slow

Special feature that makes it OP: Splash damage on impact

Basically this weapon or item works like the Kirov Airship from red alert 2/3. For those who dont know what it is, this weapon is equivalent to dropping bombs straight down. These heavy bombs will move slowly though.
Since range is literally melee, it will be a special use weapon or just an active item.

Think sky fort bombs. Kinda like that. More damage, more speed, less projectile speed. This weapon's OPness is outweighed by inability of noobs to utilise properly, thus wasting it. To play this weapon well, you would need good speed and air naturally has dominance over land tanks in terms of chasing. So you are pro and you are good at predicting where they will move to. Bombs away!

I rate my idea 2/5

Shamelessly stolen from kastorka, its ok, hes a new member.

Re: Bombing Bays Item/Weapon - ChronicStoned - 2009-04-21

kirov owns !Big Grin
