Official Battle Tanks Community
[8.56]CPTP Bugged spots - Printable Version

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[8.56]CPTP Bugged spots - SCorpA1 - 2009-01-18

its a bug, reportet first reportet by eSVau at the btnk forum:
Quote:Ich packs mal hier her, kleiner KP-PortBug:
Wenn man versucht an den roten Punkt per KP-Teleport hinzuporten landet man "leicht" reproduzierbar versetzt

Auch am anderen KP in der Mitte kann man das machen, wenn auch der Punkt recht schwierig zu treffen ist.
Portet man zum KP per KP-Teleport und visiert als Zielpunkt den rot markierten Punkt an, kommt man nicht am KP raus sondern an der Stelle wo der Tank auf dem Screenshot ist

Re: [8.56]CPTP Bugged spots - BENNIE.FM - 2009-01-19

Hmm yea i have ended up on train tracks after clicking tp it has not happened to me forever it used to happen when i started playing around 8.10 or something not sure

secondly sometimes u target somewhere at cp u teleport and u end up in the bush but you can only target a control point and when you try and tele from where you have ended up it does not work this does not make sense either way

Re: [8.56]CPTP Bugged spots - horselance - 2009-01-19

Yea i saw that spot... A guy was cptp to save cp but he tped outside of cpSmile