Official Battle Tanks Community
[8.53b] Sky Tank Speedaura stacks with speedpack - Printable Version

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[8.53b] Sky Tank Speedaura stacks with speedpack - ChronicStoned - 2008-09-16

The speedskill of Sky Tank is still stackable with a speedpack!
The Sky Tanks skill [lvl 5] stacked with his Speedpack, there was no other skytank which aura he could have used..
so his own aura and the speedpack boosted his speed to the maximum of 522.

I thought this bug was already fixed.

Re: [8.53b] Sky Tank Speedaura stacks with speedpack - DerSatan - 2008-09-16

ChronicStoned Wrote:I thought this bug was already fixed.

it is not a bug, it is fully intentional.

with "lord of the sky" the sky tank itself also gets the percentage speed bonus. with a speed pack, the +150 speed overwrite the fixed bonus speed of the sky tank.

but i thought with speed pack and lord of the sky it has speed 517, not 522? you got a screenshot of him having 522 speed while not beeing under effect of a barricade?

Re: [8.53b] Sky Tank Speedaura stacks with speedpack - ChronicStoned - 2008-09-16

aaah ok sorry i did not know that barricades grant speed bonus =(
this topic should be closed now >.<
sorry sorry sorry

Re: [8.53b] Sky Tank Speedaura stacks with speedpack - Exodus - 2008-09-16

Its ok. Its better reporting a bug even if you aren't sure, than not to report it, it could be a bug after all. You won't get punished or anythingWink