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Horselance's Maps - Printable Version

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Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-07-29

I made a new map last week and decided to put a link of all my recent maps for latest versions.
Latest map:
Habitat: You build a personal food chain. Can be multi-played by 2 players (may lag a lot).

Recent Maps:

Zombie Tag: Run for your life and build your defense vs zombies. Be careful for random events. Personally i could never been enough lucky to finishSmile
Heroes of Might & Magic III: Tried to make a HOMM concept game. Contains many bugs and imbaness. I hope i can finish the map somedaySmile
Battle Tanks - Reflection: A mod for BT. Map is made from a blank map. And is an expansion for Battle Tanks - Z. Also needs a lot balance.

Other projects:

Monopoly: Favorite game monopoly including new options.
Started a few months ago and build up many parts but needs a lot work because of complexity of original game such as custom trading.
Football: A deadly football game. There is no red card!
Started to build map for a few months ago. Built few shoot and pass options but needs a lot of work for tackling/defending goalkeeping chances...
Adwander: Never seen style of a brand for multiplayer-RPG. Unique gamestyle. User friendly options.
Started (nearly finished) Hero abilities. Needs a good campaing/scenario and a good map.
Farmers: Build your farm and try not to got defeated to monopoly of world.
Havent started but i have good ideasSmile

I will put new maps here if I can finish any of them. And also new versions...
Tnx for interestSmile

Re: Horselance's Maps - italyrools - 2008-07-29

I'm a big fan of Btanks RF! Except some of the spells are too powerful...

Re: Horselance's Maps - TKF - 2008-07-29

I find the original version best, even my mod sucks in comparison.

After I'm done with naval battle, maybe I make Skill Tanks mod :mrgreen: using the same system as in Naval Battle, but instead you only fire forward and using numpad to manually fire cannons. And I will also add a new weapon category, POINT DEFENSE, which intercept weapons!

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-07-30

There are some versions i didnt ever playSmile
I didnt have much time to balance game and no time to play it at all. Thats why it is so imbaness in it.

Re: Horselance's Maps - italyrools - 2008-08-02

Thats ok, I understand you are busy, but just a few touch ups would make it alot better.

I also tried the habitat game, its a great concept, but a little hard!

Re: Horselance's Maps - TKF - 2008-09-05

horselance Wrote:---------------------------------------
Battle Tanks - Reflection: A mod for BT. Map is made from a blank map. And is an expansion for Battle Tanks - Z. Also needs a lot balance.
Ehm, I missed that detail earlier. You made it from scratch? wow I haven't done that part yet....

I thought it was just a rippoff from normal BT, but it isn't. Maybe exodus could use some of the unique features if there is any...?

I just played the game, and was kinda weird

Anyway I have played all Heroes games and I would like to see a good HoMM map for wc3 Big Grin

Re: Horselance's Maps - Exodus - 2008-09-05

Heh, I also just played this map ... and I have to say its totally imba ^^ (maybe because I got my ass kicked)

But I'm sure that was a lot of work, quite good for being made from scratch.

Re: Horselance's Maps - Bobguydude - 2008-09-05

I agree it's imba, and I was the one doing the ass kicking (sorry about that exoBig Grin)

It's a really good map made from scratch, if you decide to work on it some more the only thing you need is balancing.

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-09-05


Was really hard to make it. I couldnt complete and balance game because of lackness of time.
Even now dont have time but just passing forum..Smile

But nowadays I work on my RPG map. I cant work on loading screen because I dont have my Tablet here and cant put a fix on BT-Reflection because this pc cant handle BT - Reflection. So I am stuck to my RPG : AdwanderSmile

And I didnt have a forum to take feedback from playersSmile

Re: Horselance's Maps - FAM_Plyvak - 2008-09-08

Quote:And I didnt have a forum to take feedback from players

bah, horse. one word, and u have section for your games on clan forum

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-09-08

But it needs a map-only site and forum. But of course our forum is also a good ad.

Re: Horselance's Maps - FAM_Plyvak - 2008-09-08

whats a greedy bastard xD
he wants whole forum for his maps. one subforum not enough? can be made, and permissions to read/write can have more ppl or guests. whatever u want.

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-09-09

Hahahah. One is not enough. Gimme 2.

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-09-09

New map: Blackjack v1.1

Classic Blackjack game with some extended option.

Re: Horselance's Maps - horselance - 2008-10-08

Zombie Tag 1.08 released todaySmile

Enjoy it.