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Different views on Battle tanks.... - Printable Version

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Different views on Battle tanks.... - TKF - 2008-01-04

I found someone who descriped battle tanks like...

some guy in scumedit forum Wrote:Battle tanks is like battleships but it focuses on creeps rather than heroes. I don't like it since it feels more like a defense map than an AoS, but eh.

Re: Different views on Battle tanks.... - Batto - 2008-01-04

Lets all go spam his ass to smithereens!!Smile

Re: Different views on Battle tanks.... - DerSatan - 2008-01-04

once i joined a game, and a newbie asked what this map was about. the host answered:

It's a DotA.

no comment...

Re: Different views on Battle tanks.... - ancientsurvivor - 2008-05-17

Kill that Host ... DotA is an AoS style map, BTanks is, AOS is, Battleships is....

BTanks is a map
Battships is
AOS is
DotA is a nerdconvention +.~

Re: Different views on Battle tanks.... - DOGG1 - 2008-05-22

ancientsurvivor Wrote:Kill that Host ... DotA is an AoS style map, BTanks is, AOS is, Battleships is....

BTanks is a map
Battships is
AOS is
DotA is a nerdconvention +.~
LOL there is a server in australia where they play ONLY dota!!! i never go there
The main one though.... it's mostly dota too like 95% dota!! with 2000+ people.
I've been on a crusade to popularise BT