Official Battle Tanks Community
[8.34] Start moving Bug - Printable Version

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[8.34] Start moving Bug - Carcharoth2 - 2007-12-19

When you buy a tank at the beginning of the game and your teammates wait with buying (happens often, afk or whatelse),
you have to drive around your basebuidling before you can buy weapons or something.
It is not terible, but your teamates block you and its anooying. You lose time

i hope you understand my strange english


Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - TKF - 2007-12-19

The main base, the HQ terrain level must be changed before next version, so everyone may get out, instead of circling around the main building, while others makes their time to consider what they would buy.

I don't know of other solutions to fix this problem, than somehow changing the area around HQ.

Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - Batto - 2007-12-19

Another solution might be to make the starting units (the pilots now) start closer to the castle building, so tanks will still get past them. I hope that also makes it possible to switch tanks without having to switch to tinker, then move you tinker closer (within range) of the castle building, select the buidling again and then choose the tank you really want.

Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - TKF - 2007-12-19

But also you must be close enough to be in range to buy tanks!

Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - Exodus - 2007-12-21

Hm, maybe we are moving the start positions a bit.

Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - Prog - 2007-12-21

Wouldn't be the easiest way to solve the problem changing the collusion-size of the pilot units?

Re: [8.34] Start moving Bug - TKF - 2007-12-22

You have a good point there. Does pilot need collision sizes so big?