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When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Printable Version

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When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Bob666 - 2007-11-13

When did you start playing Battle Tanks? Which was the first version you played?

(just found it intersting in another thread that TKF first played 8.xx^^)

well, for me its quite clear, i started with "Noch eine Warcraft III Karte" ("Just another Warcraft III map")Tongue (the title for a new created map)

(that were times when everything was unbalanced and i was the only one to know the map, when i pawned everyone^^)

the skill of a standard public game player truly increased over time

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Saiyuki - 2007-11-13

hm... around the first versions... so 1.x or 2.x ... ^^

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - psycho_dmr - 2007-11-13

early 4.x i think? no idea xD

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Batto - 2007-11-13

Yes it was around 5.xx for me i think, it was still all german, but there was one english version a bit later 5.62 or something like that.

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Exodus - 2007-11-13

Hm, around the 3.x versions ... not sure. But it was right at the time where BT became more and more popular. At that time Clan BT was by far the best clan, ah good times ^^

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - TKF - 2007-11-13

I played the older versions, which was only in German, so I stayed playing tank wars just because of that.

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Billy_Talent_ll - 2007-11-13

excactly at 7.00

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Havana - 2007-11-13

active gaming short before the new lanscape... dont now the version

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Prog - 2007-11-14

Like Exodus i started in version 3.x.

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Phönix - 2007-11-14

i played btanks 1.2 (no battle ship was open, so i joined accidentally (aus versehen) a battle tanks... i played no one more to 6.28... then i began active playing :mrgreen:

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - Unterlegenheit - 2007-11-14

2.4 8) i bought me wc3 because we played it on LAN and downloaded nearly all mapsBig Grin on LAN we tested all maps and stopped at BTanks, we played it all the time^^.

Sry for bad english x)

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - DerSatan - 2007-11-18

the first versions i downloaded were 2.6 and 4.2 GER, but i can remember that i didnt really liked them. playing regularly i started with 7.56

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - ancientsurvivor - 2008-05-17

I've played the first BTanks vers with a 3 in front of the . - then i found guild wars and played a bit diablo2 lod in between so when i cam back it was like 7.x

i've even played Tanks Wars AnR... at times when it was up to date ^^

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - DOGG1 - 2008-05-22

5.x or 6.x ENG... i used to wait ages for an english conversion, then started hosting the newer german... which didn't really help noobs...

Re: When did you start playing Battle Tanks? - SirJoghurt - 2008-05-22

playing since 06/07 2006 so nearly two years now... was about version 7.25 :mrgreen: