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A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - Printable Version

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A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - TKF - 2010-10-28

Dimension Shift Heal bug
When you use dimension shift on a unit while it's near a healing point, it will heal while it's frozen. I'm not sure it is intentional but to my surprise I healed an enemy tank which my purpose was to stop him to heal.

Barricade capture Increase
It seems like the barricade/stuctures helps speeding up the capture of a CP, I'm not sure if it's intentional or a bug but I'm mentioning it here.

Automatic AFK broken?
I've not seen it yet once in the current version and I don't know if it's a bug or a feature. Is the automatic afk system broken or disabled on purpose? What happened to 5 minute afk feature? I've seen someone not moving for quite long time and nothing happens. Quite annoying we can't use him when one of the CP's is under capture.

Re: A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - Exodus - 2010-10-28

1) Yeah, that's a bug, will be fixed

2) Right now, I knew that it works this way and left it. If you guys feel, that this is too strong, I can change this.

3) Hm, I only disabled the AFKAI command, but nothing else, so it should still work. But I also don't remember this happening before (although I didn't play that much games in the earlier versions.

Re: A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - AGGInator - 2010-10-29

1) it's a bug? Confusedhock:
i never said it before because i thought it's a feature xD.. not the first version it's bugged..

Re: A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - TKF - 2010-10-30

3) It seems like it's easier to kick someone who hasn't chosen a tank first 15 minutes of the game, rather a player which has played 10 min and then going inactive for 15 mins. I'm not sure if this is connected to the auto afk system or not.

Re: A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - Exodus - 2010-10-30

The Auto-AFK is fixed already, but the one with the AntiGrav ult does not work like I want to. It seems like, that when the unit is already under the effect of the heal aura, the unit will still be healed, even though it's invulnerable and the aura normally doesn't affect those units.

Re: A few Minor Bugs [8.72b] - ssl - 2010-10-30

What about just remember the life the targetet unit has and setting its hitpoints to that value say every 0,1 seconds while the spell is active and at its end?