Official Battle Tanks Community
[8.72b] Counter at 1 before capturing CP's - Printable Version

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[8.72b] Counter at 1 before capturing CP's - Saiyuki - 2010-10-23

just to note a problem i found shortly before releasing the newest version. may be good if someone could recheck it.

sometimes when capturing an control point, the counter starts with a '1' with the wrong color ( respective color of enemy capture ) but then changes ( instantly ) to the right behaviour, starting the capture as usual.

Re: [8.72b] Counter at 1 before capturing CP's - Ger-Dyers-Eve - 2010-10-25

In the replay of my bug-thread yesterday, you can see also a capturing of a cp, and it was startet with a seven.
Just to notice this. *g*