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I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - Printable Version

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I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - TKF - 2011-06-15

Hello! Theres a lot of new members which I don't know well since I've joined this forum and I miss a lot of the older members which has been inactive or retired since I was began here about 5 years (as for the first forum registration date isn't the same as in this forum). Actually the 8.xx versions is almost that old I think, and which Exodus did take over and began mapping Battle Tanks when Bob666 (or Na-z-g-h-u-l) did leave the mapping to Exodus (Which lasted about 4 years) when I joined the old bt forum for 2 forums ago (about 5 years ago). After that Paladon did take over a mapping for some months, and now there is an active mapping team of Exodus, Velocity2k and Paladon which is working on BT where Exodus is mostly in charge unless I have missed some important info. I have a feeling that Paladon is very little active and Bob666 pays a rare visit sometimes.

I'm now much more inactive than before, so I decide that I'm going to retire from this forum since I haven't played Battle Tanks for a long time and I have lost interests in it and no longer finds reasons to read through the posts as for current date its a boring task for me. I'm retiring as a moderator.
I enjoyed much more of it in the past and I'm done with it now. I was significanlty active in the past, which my post count is the most reliable evidence of my opinions on different matters relating to battle tanks.

But as for me I'm focusing more on real life and spends much less time on my computer.

It has been fun. Bye everyone!

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - Althend - 2011-06-16

Have fun with what you plan next. Contact me if u plan a league of legend or l4d2Big Grin

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - stibi- - 2011-06-16

have funSmile

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - Exodus - 2011-06-16

Hey TKF,
thanks for everything so far. You did a lot for BT and it's community in the past years and we appreciate it. I wish you all the best and hope you show as much determination with your future goals, as you did here in the community.

gg & hf ;)

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - Tynkywinky - 2011-06-16

Focusing on the real life? o.O

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - RaptorXI - 2011-06-16

Good luck for you and cu!

RE: I'm retiring! Bye everyone! - cRo_best - 2012-06-10

alt boob go sleep where is ur life !!? Heart