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items - Printable Version

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items - LoveComesAgain - 2011-11-27

why when someone leave game items are not gong to junk yard ^^? only when someone its kicked

RE: items - stibi- - 2011-11-28

(2011-11-27, 23:39:01)LoveComesAgain Wrote: why when someone leave game items are not gong to trader shop? only when someone its kicked

if he's alive they will appear at the junk yard

RE: items - LIoOoOoIL - 2011-11-28

that must be a rage-quit apparation, which lives from swallow items, from currently dead leavers :O

i just noticed this some weeks ago, that some items of leavers didnt appeard at the junkyard, but didnt know its connected to currently dead leavers.

RE: items - Exodus - 2011-11-28

Maybe I can do something with this info.

EDIT: alright, fixed

EDIT2: stibi, if you know some more causes for some yet unfixed bugs, please mention them! ;)

RE: items - LoveComesAgain - 2012-03-21

when items are upgrading and somone leave in that time (or get kicked), they not appear at the junk yard