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Banned tanks - Printable Version

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Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-01-27

Why are trader and exploder/explosives disabled at the league mode?

RE: Banned tanks - Nightys - 2012-02-14

The question is why, not why not. Give at least some arguments. I think it should be enable cause you can evade exploder by putting a teleport breaker. For the trader it not enought stable for the whole team economie.

RE: Banned tanks - Prog - 2012-02-14

It is impossible to use our rating formulas for those tanks because of their unique playstyle.

(That is my personal reasoning, which might differ from the mappers/other devs)

RE: Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-02-14

That's no argument, and stats don't interest me much. You can improve your rating formulas. Also you could just blank the end screen.
Anyone who picks the shredder will be ranked very high at the end screen.
Do you make exceptions for tanks you personally favour?

RE: Banned tanks - Prog - 2012-02-14

Our league rating might not interest you, but that is what the LEAGUE MODE is made for.

(The end screen rating is irrelevant, check the league page to see how league rating works)

RE: Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-02-14

I see no variable for tanks at that (public) part of that league webpage. ELO and score aren't influenced by the tank choice at all.

RE: Banned tanks - Prog - 2012-02-14

"We do track various stats like kills made, deaths, creeps killed, etc.. Those stats will bias the final score gain/loss. To bias we do normalize most statistic values for itself teamwisely, weight those normalized stats and sum all those products up, so some stats are more important than others. This sumed up value will be normalized teamwisely in that way that the best player of the winning team will have a game perfomance of 1.00 (100%) and the worst will have 0.85 (85%), the others will be in between. The loser team normalization will be between 0.00 (0%, worst) and 0.15 (15%, best)."

RE: Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-02-14

What does that have to do with excluding those 2?

RE: Banned tanks - Velocity2k - 2012-02-14

(2012-02-14, 04:07:17)Prog Wrote: "We do track various stats like kills made, deaths, creeps killed, etc.. Those stats will bias the final score gain/loss.

Trader: very few kills, most time more death than kills, very few creep kills ....
So the score would be always very low for this tank. Additionally one player trading will affect the whole team (more gold for each player, only two players in mid...). How to include this? It's hard (or almost impossible) to find numbers for that.

Exploder: Many deaths, the kills depend on the "skill", most time less creep kills compared to "normal" players. And again, the wohle team is affected (2 players mid, most time the enemy get much kills due to the exploder but the gold for killing them "only" goes to the exploder).

So basically all players in the team would have to be rated different when having trader/exploder in the team.

And there are more stats than kills/death/creep kills which affect the score of a player. There are even much more situations/facts to consider than described above.

Additionally my personal experience of the exploder is: in 95% (or more) of the games the exploder will harm the own team. If i knew there will be an exploder in my team in a ranked game i personally would not want to play that game.

RE: Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-02-14

And my personal experience is that they can be very help-/useful to win a game or maybe not, depending on each player's skill. Not to mention the fact that many "pros" demote them by pure prejudice, just to avoid them "cause they cant fight"...

RE: Banned tanks - LIoOoOoIL - 2012-02-14

1. do u read the posts? guess the trader/exploder discussion can be ended by thus facts.

2. exploder are just annoying and relative easy to counter (a.e. breakers, offensiv playing/attacking against them, hold enough gap between each players/m8s, by capturing cps build barri/towers to force them to a wasted tp by holding distance to the cp...), the only real advantage (at least in my mind) for m8s of exploder/s are, that they can creep way more (in mid)... .

RE: Banned tanks - eSVau - 2012-02-14

Well, i like exploders - as long as they are member of enemy team Big Grin

RE: Banned tanks - Smell.No.Evil - 2012-02-14

You can rework them for a more of balance...
You can remove them from the map at all to end this discussion...

RE: Banned tanks - LIoOoOoIL - 2012-02-14

why delete?
if ppl are enjoyd playing them, they still can open an own game with an enabled exploder or/and trader.

i dont see the prob..

RE: Banned tanks - Velocity2k - 2012-02-14

I'll say it one last time - the rating of trader an exploder is quite impossible (as described above in little more detail). So in the league we can't allow it.