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Clan Kctz removed!??! - Printable Version

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Clan Kctz removed!??! - Sassspect - 2012-06-22

I joined in US East this morning and i wasnt in the clan .. i tried to join in the channel and a different bot, named Protolan was there(next to the bot there was the warcraft icon) What happened ? Please if there is anyone in kctz or anyone else who knows something contact me!


RE: Clan Kctz removed!??! - LIoOoOoIL - 2012-06-22

seems it got recreated?

ps: saspect u should post things like that in the right forums..^^ (this one a.e. in the community section)

RE: Clan Kctz removed!??! - Sassspect - 2012-06-22

sry dude i just wanted an answer so i posted it in feedback:)
i will be more careful by now