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Unban request - Printable Version

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Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

(2013-06-02, 10:28:33)stibi- Wrote:
(2013-06-02, 10:10:33)El_Polacco Wrote: Game :
Player :

reason : useless flame until 1h instead of focusing on the game

reason: flame, insult, unsocial behavior
he really need to take a break

I resquest unban for this unfair ban. In that game, my anger was to grey because he's the kind of player who will.
1) avoid to take any risk
2) blame people who take responsability to take lane vs someone very difficult to handle (pro-noob / carizma ?)
3) keep kick requesting you whatever happends, keep harassing you even if u died for something useful for the team.
4) and because the game is going bad for me, and because an idiot is harassing me, ofc it's hard to focus and get back in game.
5) If you watch more carefully the replay polacco sent you, u'll see that at the end, grey was more blamed by the team for his behavior than i was.
5) And so maybe you'll see why someone got so angry that he didn't get the friends he expected to have ingame that he had to ask for ban afterwards.
7) I apologize for my rude words, but i hold on the rest. Grey would derserve more to be banned than me for unsocial behavior and constant provocation.

RE: Unban request - El_Polacco - 2013-06-02

Just to be precise It's not about that game i made a ban request just about yesterday another one where u flamed me for NO REASON .
Before I've never seen you that terribly annoying . Also I've never had such situations in thousands of games . Keep thinking before you type unreasonable accuses due to being afk on the beginningHuh . One more thing you left your lane then ordered me to go there really why just cause of getting anger of taken several creeps while i killed your lane enemyHuh?

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

I see, u're madcrazypork then. So even if we had no beef together on the game u asked me banned for, you're just keeping tabs in case of.
On that replay u give us here, graphic card driver crashed, and I tried to figure out for a few mins a way to come back ingame before resetting my computer. Then I went back on server and apologized to cro_ownage.
In any case, you have strange ways to busy ur freetime. What do you do in life ? Give parking tickets to people in the week and snitch on players on weekend ?

Edit : The reason of "flaming", and it would be hard to consider it flaming is :
- You come for help, it's ok.
- You come to creep on my lane because u don't like your mid teammates is not ok.
- You stay to creep more to pay urself a tp to mid, instead of just fliying to mid is kind of idiot. The first step to eco sabotage if i'm as extreme as you are when you say i'm flaming you.

You really start to make me angry, i was happy to play this afternoon and you fucked up my precious time... Really.

RE: Unban request - El_Polacco - 2013-06-02

If i were a real snitcher then i would also report green who went tinker in the end of a game but i know his team was very dumb and he doesn't deserve a ban . I really wouldn't mind your flaming on somebody else again . The major factor of reporting you that u were flaming even thought i saved a your CP

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

(2013-06-02, 16:17:45)El_Polacco Wrote: If i were a real snitcher then i would also report green who went tinker in the end of a game but i know his team was very dumb and he doesn't deserve a ban . I really wouldn't mind your flaming on somebody else again . The major factor of reporting you that u were flaming even thought i saved a your CP

Thank you for the CP indeed, but even with one afk, no one went there in first instance dude. And because you knew you had afk guy and no one on the lane, you saved what became "my CP" when you let down what was still "the team CP".
I stay on my position on the rest, and dude, next time u ban request, post the proper replay, otherwise it IS snitching on something you have no beef about.

RE: Unban request - El_Polacco - 2013-06-02

Probably u finally realised that insulting anybody isn't a way for playing . Then for the higher pool of bt players I'm for removing a ban for GodStrongArms .
I hope that the league staff should consider approving that if he has just a single account Angel ?

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

We were just speak about you with reyiz on channel, u're indeed a decent guy. Sorry i went rude on you.
So for the sake of the pool of player, please unban me admins ! (angel)

RE: Unban request - El_Polacco - 2013-06-02

You can also take into account that grey has started insulting him and votekicked him for a several times even though all told him to stop doing that . I made a request a bit unfairly at least I could try to speak with him about that unfortunate games for him . Just leave a strictness away .

Ban request is a proper way just for those who does sth excessively . He is a our mate from a long time . We should follow a common sense in spite of rules.

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

Well mate i am here often enough for us to be able to talk about it in a less formal way, but it's obvious that a banrequest is a good incentive to talk indeed. ^^
Thank you for being honnest about both my behavior and in my defense what provoked it. For the other game (the game u saved the lane) I apologize once again for being excessive towards you.
Thanks admin to take in consideration our explanations here.Smile

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-02

After reading a little, there is no mention of any rule forbidding to use another account to play league if banned with one.
If there was one, then people fooling around with different nicknames would be favorised over those playing with same nickname on different accounts.
So i presume the ban is account related and not person related.
I saw the "week delay" before any possible unban. I'll play with US account meanwhile then.. :/

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-09

I'm requesting the lift of this ban in consideration of the one week rule, of the peaceful settlement Jozin and me found here, and also of the regrets I previously expressed about my rudeness with playtoomuch, who is an exemplary player and a great support for any team he's in (i'm kidding on that oneTongue)

RE: Unban request - stibi- - 2013-06-09

you're already able to join games :]

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-09

(2013-06-09, 16:43:11)stibi- Wrote: you're already able to join games :]

As well as most of the players who are banned with one account anyway, thus not preventing them to ask ban lift for their banned account once such a request is admissible.Tongue

RE: Unban request - GodStrongArms - 2013-06-13

Thank you admins for unban. AngelSmile