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Unban request for Nexes - Printable Version

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Unban request for Nexes - GodStrongArms - 2013-09-15


Cannot join game with my Nexes account ( ), dunno why. Only a ban can provoke this i guess... So please unban.Wink

And btw, would it be possible to make a page on the league website with a hourly updated public banlist with the exact date/hour of the ban, so we would know for sure ? Big Grin

RE: Unban request for Nexes - El_Polacco - 2013-09-15

Seemed like I also got banned less than week ago was unable to join any game but after a few days could join bots wtf ?

RE: Unban request for Nexes - stibi- - 2013-09-15

(2013-09-15, 20:00:33)El_Polacco Wrote: Seemed like I also got banned less than week ago was unable to join any game but after a few days could join bots wtf ?

do you mind telling us the account?

€: ah nevermind - didn't read your post carefully enought

RE: Unban request for Nexes - GodStrongArms - 2013-09-15

I guess an "ban-able" person got u in the nose, ragebanned to punish u and make u rage a little, then unbanned once he got happy maybe. Happens quite frequently those times.

RE: Unban request for Nexes - GodStrongArms - 2013-09-17

Ok, my Nexes account is still banned, by an admin whose name cannot be disclosed "sorry, i can't tell", without having be banned under the rules of a due process, and that's unacceptable. When there is a banrequest, we know who approve the ban, therefore enforce it. But when there is a rageban, players don't have the right to know who bans ? Why ? Because childish admin wanna be able to ban at his will and get away with it so he can feel powerfull once in a while ? This ban a gross abuse of autority, nothing else. Seriously, will you "main" admins take your responsability and start to put order in your house ? a.k.a setting proper AND PUBLIC banrules and banprocess for league admins to respect, and not only rules meant for players, because it becomes totally ridiculous.
League is already slowly but constantly loosing population, and if I was not a dedicated player for years, i would just go play something else. Using players dedication to punish them for pinches with cover-ragebans, indeed a very strange way to keep the league alive.